So, I would NOT feed them to your pig. Avoid giving guinea pigs these foods. Delivered Fresh & Minimally Handled - Direct To Your Door In A High... 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Also, its beta-carotene maintains oxygen in their blood. While we people love roasted pumpkin seeds, it is not suitable for guinea pigs. What About Pumpkin Pie? Food bowls are a must for our guinea pigs. Guinea pigs do not eat dairy products, meat. One of must have - Accessories for rabbit cage, rabbit needs hays all of... Easy to Fill Hay & Stand Base - Designed a removable top cover to fill hay... Bottom Table - Less Wasted and help to keep tidy in cage or hutch or... Big Storage Space - Big enough to fill one day's hay for your pets. Big chunks of seeds can cause choking hazards as well. Guinea pigs cannot produce Vitamin C on their own and so pumpkin is a great source of that. If you are ready to give pumpkin to your guinea pig, first give him a tiny amount. Parsley: Guinea pigs love flat parsley or curly parsley. Nutritional Value. This is because pumpkin seeds are rather hard compared to other seeds. They are low in calories. An easy way to prepare pumpkin seeds for de-worming purpose is by grinding up properly preserved or fresh pumpkin seeds into a powder. Your pet can damage their teeth by chewing on pumpkin seeds, and the seeds can hurt their throats when they try to swallow. Let us have a look at some common benefits of eating pumpkin. The guinea pigs can consume the rest of the pumpkin, but it is poor in nutrition. Yes, guinea pigs can eat pumpkin but only in small quantities. I did some research on the same and here is what I have learned. Most seeds are also unsuitable for guinea pigs because they are also high in fat. SUPER POPULAR AMONG GUINEA PIG ENTHUSIASTS – Due to the popularity and... VERSATILE PLAYHOUSE – HIDE, CHEW, SLEEP, RUN! As pumpkin is already sweet but in pumpkin pie, we add more sugar. You must also understand that vegetables like pumpkin and other similar squash are not the best kind of vegetable you want to go for. Foods that have high-fat content and high sugar are not good for guinea pigs and not for humans even. Hello, I am Saurav the founder of this blog that's all about guinea pigs. It mostly shares nutrition as a pumpkin. However, seeds in fresh food such as peppers, tomatoes or cucumbers are fine for … But are our guinea pigs fond of pumpkins? (With Helpful Images)What Foods Are Harmful To Guinea Pigs? As for grownups, they are at risk of urinary stones, List of 70+ vegetable for your guinea pigs, List of 70+ fruits that guinea pigs can eat, Guinea Pig Coloring Book: Halloween Theme, Hay for your guinea pigs(What type, How much and more). But a limited amount of pumpkin is outstanding for them. We will discuss the ill effect of overfeeding pumpkin to your guinea pigs later in the article. You can make a healthy mix of vegetables and serve it in a bowl. Finally don’t forget to mix it with other veggies to create a well-balanced diet. However, you should not overlook the fact that they are high in carbohydrates, proteins, and fatsmaking them highly calorific. It is a good source of vitamin A (63%DV), vitamin C, beta-carotene, fiber, magnesium, and potassium. Make sure to take care of your cavy and enjoy feeding them pumpkin. We review guinea pig products, pet food, toys, bedding, cages and more to provide humans with all they need to know about guinea pigs! Guinea pigs love to eat raw vegetables and fruits. This gave me only 18 seeds! Pumpkin seeds are not safe for cavies. Here is the list of some vegetables and fruits that guinea pigs eat and provides them with the best nutritional value that is required for their healthy diet. Guinea pigs love vegetables and fruits, which are amazing because vegetables and fruits are a vital part of their diet; it keeps them healthy and happy. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of health benefits like protein. Thus, it is better to avoid giving these to them. We don’t need to go out of our way to feed guinea pig pumpkin. Guinea pigs need vitamin C, pellets, and red peppers contain a great amount of vitamin C in them. Pumpkin leaves contain a lot of calcium, and so we can add this in their diet but only in a rare case. A guinea pig eating a seed or two would be akin to you eating … These types of seeds are not safe to feed guinea pigs in bags of pellets. It also contains unsaturated fats and iron. I fed one Pumpkin to each pig and got one seed back. But are there any risks in feeding pumpkin to our guinea pigs? I usually mix pumpkin with other Vitamin C rich vegetables like bell peppers, chards, kale, arugula, spinach, etc. Grass is all natural and can be used indoors or outdoors. The pumpkin should be served in a limited quantity. The pumpkin seeds can cause increase risk of bladder stones or choking hazards. Hamsters are omnivorous, which means they can eat seeds on occasion. Canned pumpkin puree that comes in cans is preserved. Raisins are dried grapes and are high in sugar which can pose numerous health problems if fed in large amounts. In fact, these seeds do have a choking hazard for our guinea pigs. Hours Of Fun And Relaxation For Adults As Well As Kids. Pumpkin seeds can cause problems in their throat while swallowing them. But canned pumpkin does contain preservatives, chemicals, or a little amount of sugar even if it’s written 100% pumpkin. These foods are good for nothing. No, guinea pigs cannot chew on these hard stems of pumpkin. Being readily available at an economical price, people often wonder if they can use straw as bedding... Is It Worth Getting Pet Insurance For Guinea Pigs? But I would buy it in the food not from a pumpkin We are always ready to feast upon delicious pumpkin pie. As we have already made you aware of, guinea pigs can eat a little pumpkin, but there may be certain facts that you should keep in mind while feeding them. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to affiliated sites. They are edible, but these contain levels of fat that are harmful to them. It’s recommended to give our guinea pigs 2-3 small pieces or cubes of pumpkin. You should not feed your guinea pig pumpkin seeds as they are potentially harmful to a guinea pig and pose a choking hazard. But it also includes a fair amount of sugar and calcium in it. Guinea Pig Coloring Book: Let Your Anxiety Go Away! Guinea pigs are herbivorous, which means they can ONLY eat roughage (hay) and vegetable matter. Their dry blend ought to have diet C extra as guinea pigs can't make their own, so rabbit nutrition isn't sturdy for them (it could have anti-coccidiosis therapy that's undesirable for guinea pigs). Although they are not allergic to pumpkin, but chances are not all guinea pigs are going to enjoy pumpkin. Let’s find out. Guinea pigs can eat pumpkins but only in moderation. It makes the intestinal parasites and tapeworms paralyzed. Well, its answer would be “NO”. The result is, it is tedious and unprofitable to feed pumpkins to pigs (unless they are starving). The guinea pigs can enjoy small servings of pumpkin once a week as a treat, which includes its stem and leaves. (Causes+What To Do), What Should Guinea Pig Poop Look Like? And it can be inevitable as it may lead to kidney failures. link to Is It Worth Getting Pet Insurance For Guinea Pigs? Oranges and apples: Make sure they do not contain any seeds. These food items can cause choking hazards, heart problems, and other serious issues in guinea pigs. Although guinea pigs can safely eat small quantities of pumpkin flesh, the seeds of a pumpkin are a different matter. Guinea pigs are not allergic to pumpkin but if not served in limited quantity it can lead to some serious health problems like; scurvy, urinary infection, digestion problem, etc. Are guinea pigs allowed butternut pumpkin? We have already made you aware that guinea pigs are not allergic, and they can eat a little pumpkin, but there may be specific facts that you should keep in mind while feeding them. Tuesday, October 11, 2011 Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin? Pumpkin seeds are known to be a healthy snack for humans but can cats, dogs and other pets eat pumpkin seeds, or are they tricks not treats? Some seeds are not suitable for guinea pigs but the seeds of a cucumber are safe for them to eat. Hard seeds, like pumpkin and sunflower seeds, can get stuck in the chompers and become a choking hazard. As pumpkin stems don’t have any nutrition, it will be useless to feed your cavy this. Most of the vegetables are safe for your pet when they’re raw but not when they’re cooked. It will be better not to serve the pumpkin pie or pumpkin puree, they can increase their sugar levels. Their stomach cannot digest this food, and they are not even fond of cooked food. Are pumpkin seeds bad for guinea pigs? Guinea Pig coloring book: Halloween Theme, Why Is My Guinea Pig Always Hungry? It has a similar taste of a pumpkin; sweet, nutty flavor makes it more likable. Guinea pigs tend not to eat their skin or rinds because it is hard for them to chew and can produce various kinds of problems. vegetables, infant candy corn, chicory, tomato) yet NO ONIONS, no longer something from a bulb as this may well be poisonous. Butternut pumpkin is slightly different from the regular pumpkin. Like pumpkin, we can feed our guinea pigs butternut squash, but not too often, as it contains high oxalic acids that can harm our babies. The answer is a big no. The skin of pumpkin doesn’t have any nutrition on its own. Pumpkin seeds can also be tough to digest and can get stuck in their mouth and throat. Also, pumpkin seeds are high in fat, so your cavy would have a very difficult time digesting them if consumed. Before you learn more,here are some hand-picked supplies for your guinea pigs that you must add to your wishlist today: Our site intends to provide you with the most accurate and updated information about guinea pigs. I am an Animal Nutritionist by education but a pet blogger by profession. Your guinea pig is unlikely to eat them, so they’ll usually end up on the floor of your pet’s enclosure. The pumpkin seeds can cause increase risk of bladder stones or choking hazards. Hay is a staple in the diet of guinea pigs. They could also pose a choking hazard for small guinea pigs. How to Prevent Your Cat from Getting Pregnant, How to Keep Your Cat from Eating Your Houseplants. It also contains various other ingredients like cinnamon or eggs, which can harm them. 10-24-11, 06:43 pm #2 These types of seeds aren't safe to feed on their own or in bags of pellets. They also have various properties of a pumpkin. Guinea pig 101 is an ultimate resource for all guinea pig parents who are passionate about learning everything about their guinea pigs and provide them with a life they deserve. Seeds also have incredibly high fat content, which is not entirely safe in such large volumes. Can guinea pigs eat pumpkin? The owners should avoid pumpkin seeds as they’re potentially harmful to the guinea pigs and can cause choking hazards. Pumpkin contains a moderate amount of vitamin c in it. Can Guinea Pigs Have Straw In Their Cage? For the season of Holloween, I was wondering if I can feed my guinea pigs pumkin and pumpkin seeds. These can be bad for our guinea pigs if overfed. No, guinea pigs cannot eat pumpkin seeds at all. It can hurt their throat while swallowing it. Guinea pigs can eat pumpkin but only as a treat. No seeds. Can guinea pigs eat … Don’t forget to remove its seed, or it can get stuck in their mouth or throat. Never feed the following mentioned foods to guinea pigs-. It can become dangerous as guinea pigs might get the pumpkin seeds stuck in their teeth and moth. You don't want to miss them out! Pumpkin seeds can also harm their digestive system. For young guinea pigs (less than one year old), a guinea pig that is pregnant, or for those guinea pigs that are sick and a vet recommends it, you can also feed alfalfa hay. Straw is an agricultural byproduct consisting of dry stalks of wheat, rice, oats, or barley. Care of Guinea Pigs. Seeds can be tough for them to chew and can get stuck in their mouth or throat. So, it’s also too acidic and too starchy for rabbits to eat on a regular basis. All these things show our fondness towards pumpkin. Guinea pigs are usually very fast eaters, and they do not pay attention to the chewing part; hence they often over-eat, which leads to obesity and weight gain. Guinea pigs really love the taste of pumpkin flesh, and the only real danger is the seeds that can present a choking hazard for guinea pigs. We have to limit the feeding as a high intake of pumpkin can lead to excess sugar level and excess calcium level in older guinea pig’s bodies. You might be tempted to share your snack out of love, to guinea pigs, but this is not a good idea. Yes, guinea pigs can eat raisins but only occasionally and in moderation. Butternut pumpkin is another member of the Cucurbitaceae family. Calcium, more than required, can be harmful to them. It is easy to take care of them, they don’t need any special treatment, but when it comes to their food, they can get choosy. So we will suggest not offering this to our cavies. Spinach: Best to avoid potential kidney problems. Too much pumpkin for your guinea pigs will cause some digestion problems and diseases like diarrhoea. Pumpkin is nutritious for them, and it contains vital nutrients such as vitamins C and A, but due to sugar, it needs to be regulated. Some guinea pigs will love to munch on it while others who despise it. Generally, when fresh seeds are taken out of the pumpkin, a person rinses and roasts seeds to make it edible. Pumpkin seeds are round and semi-hard. No, pumpkin seeds are not suitable for guinea pigs. Guinea pigs can eat pumpkin, but only in little amount. Sometimes we call it pumpkin rind for a change. You can also check out this fantastic vegetable bowl for your guinea pigs. link to Can Guinea Pigs Have Straw In Their Cage? If you love your guinea pigs, it is very important to make sure that everything you feed them is safe. This already means they are not suitable for these pets which depend on low-energy, high-fiber foods such as hay. The guinea pigs can consume the rest of the pumpkin, but it is poor in nutrition. Pumpkins are healthy for us humans but, what good it does to our guinea pig? Broccoli: Moderate intake should be there as it can cause gas pain. Learn more about guinea pig allergies by reading our in-depth guide on the same. Fatty foods can cause guinea pigs to gain weight easily. But all these things are not as beneficial as we think about our cavies. You are right, tomato leaves are poisonous. Relax and Rest - Help to reduce stress levels and increase pet's sleep... Great for Guinea Pig, Ferret, Chinchillas, Hedgehogs, Rats, Sugar Gliders &... Real grass for your guinea pig to lounge on! You would have figured out that, we can let our guinea pigs feast upon small slices of pumpkin but only for once or twice a week. When it comes to the pumpkin pie, it is best to avoid giving it to your guinea pig because pumpkin pie is … - For You And Your Pets. For example, if you fed them pumpkin on Monday, then the next time should be a week later or on Friday or Saturday. yes guinea pigs do eat pumpkin seeds. Different pets have different preferences, but usually, all guinea pigs love to have a variety of fruits and vegetables. Please do not feed your cavies pumpkin seeds as it may not be as healthy for them as it is for us. Every guinea pig has their own unique tastes. Now that we have concluded every possibility of hazards and benefits, it is safe to say that: We hope we have concluded all your questions or doubts about guinea pig and pumpkin. Pumpkin leaves are very nutritious and healthy. As we told you, we’ve got you all covered, let’s scroll down for the answers. Little amount from our squash will be healthy for them, but it should be limited, only once or twice a week. Pumpkin pie is one of the most loved and traditional dishes for thanksgiving or on any occasion. How Much Time Should You Spend With Your Guinea Pig? While people love to roast pumpkin seeds, especially in the fall, this treat is not safe to feed to your pet. Baby cucumbers can also be fed whole to guinea pigs. No, guinea pigs are not allergic to pumpkin, but eating a lot of pumpkins can harm their health. All these antioxidants help to reduce various chronic diseases. Guinea pigs can eat its leaves and skin even though it is not that nutritious for them. But serving them pumpkin seeds or stems can be very harmful as they both can be hard for them to chew and to digest. Each plop gave me only one seed (not unexpected). Leafy vegetables are recommended to avoid diarrhoea. Or how much quantity will be sufficient for them? What can I do if my guinea pigs are not eating their veggies? The pumpkin should be correctly washed to get rid of the dirt or any unwanted chemicals. No, pumpkin seeds are not suitable for guinea pigs. It is a fact that pepitas are very nutritious and they have vitamins A and B complex, C and E as well as minerals including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, sodium, copper, and manganese. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of health benefits like protein. I love it as it doesn’t flip over, and it is of the perfect size for our guinea pigs. Cherry tomatoes: Moderate intake should be there. Pumpkin leaves are loaded with Iron, Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B. You should not be serving your pet with the seeds at all because it is not easy for them to digest it completely. Keep the proper track of your pet’s diet and weight. They are sturdy and do not flip over, creating a mess as other bowls do. Carrots: It is perfectly safe to eat the roots and the green tops as well. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In fact, these seeds do have a choking hazard for our guinea pigs. Butternut pumpkin is sweet, and we know our cavy cannot digest sugar easily, which can lead to infections. There are some simple rules that we should follow: Well, by now, we know how difficult it is to keep up with our little cavy’s diet. They have a double digestion process. Yes it is fine for them to eat, they will find them quite nutritious. Mix 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seed powder with a marble-sized portion of canned food for 3 times a day. And I have already told you that a high intake of sugar can be hazardous for them. Generally, when fresh seeds are taken out of the pumpkin, a person rinses and roasts seeds to make it edible. Choco Nose H128 Patented No Drip Small Animal Water Bottle, Best Water Bottle for Small Pet/Bunny/Ferret/Hamster/Critter, 11.2 oz, Nozzle... JanYoo Guinea Pig Toys Chinchilla Hamster Roller Rat Chews Toys Bunny Rabbits Exercise Wheels Molar Wooden for Teeth(Pack of 7), Everything you need to know about pumpkin, Diet Composition and Mineral Balance in Guinea Pigs, Dietary Vitamin C, and Vitamin E on Guinea Pig Immune Responses to Mitogens. Not too many though, seeds are high in fat. We should avoid feeding pumpkin puree to our guinea pigs. Hard seeds like sunflower and pumpkin can get stuck and can cause choking hazards & indigestion in them. Unlike pumpkin puree we use for pumpkin pie, canned pumpkins don’t have sugar or cinnamon powder. Guinea pigs cannot eat pumpkin rind. They cannot digest sugar if it exceeds its limit. Sources: Everything you need to know about pumpkin, Nutrition in pumpkin, Diet Composition and Mineral Balance in Guinea Pigs, Dietary Vitamin C, and Vitamin E on Guinea Pig Immune Responses to Mitogens, Vitamin C requirements of the guinea-pig, Is Your Guinea Pig’s Diet Providing the Right Nutrients? 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