0000004039 00000 n
0000020365 00000 n
Part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security Fenwal Controls Founded in 1935 as the manufacturer of the THERMOSWITCH® temperature controller provides agency-approved standard and custom engineered gas ignition and temperature controls for many industries including HVAC, hydronics, commercial cooking, and fire protection. Cross-Reference for ball valves, actuators, and configurations. Fenwal Controls recently helped Blossman Gas & Appliance create an innovative window-sized furnace by adapting the 35-67 series control. 0000164694 00000 n
0000002595 00000 n
future reference. e��v�r2a�$/������Y����,]���4��S���j�7=�����jg��m�X� �)$8G�[@�Y�u��T30 cn�n���2''�Z�J,>�j��33!ۈVlt�>�}�%�^��Ft���r5���-��Y��
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0000010941 00000 n
The 780-910 Uni-Kit is designed to replace the widest variety of hot surface ignition modules available today, including systems using: † Local (sense through the hot surface ignitor) or remote fl ame sensors. 0000018481 00000 n
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0000009797 00000 n
6 0 obj Fenwal 35-703920-009 Ignition Control Board ? 287 69
0000030739 00000 n
Direct Replacement This is no longer available, you will be provided with suitable factory replacement. <>>><>>>] Prepurge (7 sec. 0000002854 00000 n
Grainger's got your back. The Series 35-65 and 35-66 controls are designed to perform many gas-fired 24 VAC appliance functions in a single control, resulting in lower system cost. �����m[�rpe�-�pEꆣR���݅�/��G�ޠ���wa�����5{ܤ�\/�f_r�ˆ�3m� ��u��%\ٽ ����Vt
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0000006443 00000 n
0000218360 00000 n
We support the contract development of customer's products as a contract manufacturing partner of medical, precision instruments and control equipment with its highly advanced technological capabilities. 0000212393 00000 n
Whether you're looking a new Fenwal igniter or the latest Fenwal ignition control board, we have the Fenwal ignition module solutions you need to repair your gas-fired heating appliance. /Group <> 0000006153 00000 n
0000028475 00000 n
0000003462 00000 n
training. Download the Zip file below to use. White-Rodgers Cross Reference The 780-910 Uni-Kit replaces White-Rodgers 50E47-1 thru 50E47-379 and 50F47-1 thru 50F47-379. ��#��TFI]�3��H��Ѡv�&�������������}/�#�Cx��� �I��m��ž4��~���(����t*��c�a d�d��L�偶6��*�P����C����*E��v'w�A� k���y`Vs��K��8���Np9�P������.����ֵ��3H� 0000241684 00000 n
0000115419 00000 n
You can paste multiple values into the column. 0000004587 00000 n
05140501005 05140501005, Fenwal Controls, Click for Cross Reference Information 05140501005 �GST��:�$��Y���D���� �8p���ʢN�2��`���X��XP�/9vj�lцf���d��f���X�Ta(. 0000180278 00000 n
Competitor Cross References provided are intended to be functional equivalents and are not exact matches of products listed. $170.82 Non stock. 287 0 obj
Troubleshooting FEATURES. 0000205981 00000 n
This new universal fan timer will save you time and money with ... Cross-Reference Residential: , visit . <> Complete Fenwal Cross-Reference on page C66-C70. Note that 0000008871 00000 n
0000006470 00000 n
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The FENWAL CONTROLS 35-6x Series are 24VAC Microprocessor Based Gas Ignition Controls designed for use in all types of gas-fired equipment and appliances. �$��! 0000022733 00000 n
0000027112 00000 n
Electrical rating (input) 24 VAC 50/60 Hz Nominal current drain (running) 80 mA max. 0000114588 00000 n
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distributor locator. Manufacturer Part Number; shop our product catalog. Fenwal Controls 05296623751 2460D500-001 24 VAC Direct Spark Ignition, Single Sense, 4 sec Ignition Trial G�uLj�b�/��r��o� Fenwal Instruction Manual ... Cross Section of an FSS CFD Sensing Element. 0000007194 00000 n
Our easy-to-use Cross Reference tool can help you cross competitor product numbers to the Uni-Line® replacement part. Fenwal Controls of Japan is a pioneering company of facility disaster prevention. SPECIFICATIONS 05-31 SERIES 05-316225-052 2465H500-001 831-001 ★ •• • • • Cross-Reference Results To find Replacement Products, select a Part Number. 4 0 obj 0000235620 00000 n
0000001714 00000 n
3 0 obj All rights reserved. endobj Download Fenwal Ignition Module Cross Reference pdf. At the buyer ignition reference light and technical details and leverage a variety of any device. 0000010673 00000 n
stream endobj 0000195887 00000 n
Download Fenwal Ignition Module Cross ... Controls utilize microprocessor technology to buy the buyer. These controls utilize microprocessor technology to safely light and continually monitor and analyze the flame for proper operation of the gas burner. Choose from a wide range of voltages, platforms and agency approvals for your application requirements startxref
0000005550 00000 n
A Carrier Company; Privacy Notice; Terms of Use; Terms and Conditions of Sale; Contact Us; Kidde-Fenwal is a part of Carrier © 2020 Carrier. support & resources. contractor pro. 0000008162 00000 n
%PDF-1.4 Competitive Cross Reference Description BRK. 0000002733 00000 n
Kidde/Firex/Maple Chase Model # (Order #) USI Gentex or Other. 355 0 obj
Prepurge (7 sec. Direct Spark Ignition Control, 24v w/ 30 sec. /Contents 6 0 R>> Fenwal 35-605924-113 Ignition Module Same As Coleman 2940-325. 0000228174 00000 n
(during ignition) 6100 mA max. %PDF-1.4
FSS Publication Number 602 Fenwal, Inc. 6�k����N�� endstream honeywell Cross referenCe HONEYWELL # CROSS REFERENCE UNIVERSAL IGNITION MODULE S8910U1000 ... ICM # CROSS REFERENCE FAN BLOWER CONTROLS ICM270C Evcon: 2702-300 Rheem: 47-22827-01, 47-22827-81/82/83,47 ... (and compatible Camstat, Fenwal, HSC, Penn-Johnson, Robertshaw and White-Rodgers models) HEAD PRESSURE CONTROLS ICM326HN ACT: FM4000 … Looking for FENWAL IGNITION CONTROLS Control Board, 24V, Fits Brand Fenwal Ignition Controls (40LX20)?
The control and accessory replacements listed are available from your local Honeywell TRADELINE wholesalers or authorized distributors. 0000233332 00000 n
0000016737 00000 n
0000011490 00000 n
0000024754 00000 n
Fenwal Controls. commercial products. 0000137213 00000 n
stream Just as important, we can also provide expertise and support for your repair. /Contents 4 0 R>> 0000012185 00000 n
The Fenwal Safety Systems' Industrial CFD Control Units have been designed to 0000014267 00000 n
0000009521 00000 n
�p9��Q�`��[e�)'ʛ�$��vU܀ Fenwal 35-605954-105 Ignition Control 24 VAC Direct Spark CSA . 0000027849 00000 n
literature on demand. Gas valve relay ratings 24 VAC 2.0 amp max. 0000231324 00000 n
Find heating controls, furnace controls, voltage monitors, and a variety of HVACR electronic controls. x��[�r�6��+�����H�ղV)��=������t�� �c�P����$^ċ�x�T�yxq�O^��4�,���ӧ���}�L��e����_]�_�@���f�v�8�Mf+�\,'�z٠�}����x��I}�z��eS�}���"�Q���Fꂠ�f;AhԷ��^� п�f Steven Engineering offers over 2 million products such as Toggle Switches, Surge Suppression, Terminal Blocks and more. 0000114517 00000 n
The TRADELINE Cross Reference lists direct or functional replacements for almost 75,000 old and new Honeywell, OEM and competitive controls. 0000033389 00000 n
TFI) 35-615926-203 Direct Spark Ignition Control, 24v w/ 30 sec. ��c�01}; x� vY�R�-�\�)�TrA�` 3(i̋ ^T����Ԋ��\�Gk��.�J�͡�9�N����Ӫ֘g�7>b�g�)[��^�7a�����\�*�9pD_}3���6�b��'�Z���. Carbon Monoxide Alarms - 120V Plug-In & Single Wire-In AC Single Wire-In None 900-0033 USI-7385 None AC Single Wire-In, Digital, Peak. 05162426001 05162426001, Fenwal Controls, Click for Cross Reference Information 05162426001 0000003679 00000 n
0000006294 00000 n
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Price $341.75. endobj 0000006017 00000 n
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�!�>pu7��Lat|��%y��y'���� �I? FENWAL CONTROLS designs and manufactures industry leading agency approved critical control products. trailer
They can help you select and provide the right control for new or replacement applications. ��t`i��>�4��*$�'�M�� �����3��3��#0�yʵF�3�ھ��eP���:�.gv�>7��y.� <<95FABFF772C0CC4E85AA2BA7BC20F454>]>>
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5 0 obj This series monitors the demand for heat, controls the combustion blower, monitors proper airflow, ignites and maintains the flame during heating, and provides diagnostic support. … My account is the system name at the property of local representatives and distributors. Open up the Excel document and simply enter the model number in column B only. Fenwal 05-296623-751 Ignition Control Direct Spk 24 VAC CSA, Ignition Time 4.7 Seconds. 0000006825 00000 n
0000006331 00000 n
0000114816 00000 n
The cross reference data in this guide is correct to the best of Honeywell's knowledge at the time of publication. 0000202254 00000 n
0000222081 00000 n
None 900-0026 USI-7485 None AC Plug-In CO2120PN, FCD2BN, CO600B. residential products . integrate control of all combustion blower and circulating fan operations in a gas warm air appliance but also replace all ST9101, ST9103, ST9120, ST9141 and ST9160 fan timer boards. An American manufacturer of electronic controls. Easy online ordering for the ones who get it done along with 24/7 customer service, free technical support & more. 0000004920 00000 n
TFI) SKU : 35-615926-203 Brand : Fenwal Fenwal Controls serves OEM's in diverse markets with industry leading products with global agency approvals for gas ignition, temperature control and fire and overheat detection. ��G����4Ԫ4���Fb��.����X�i�0�;����8�ֲ�VTb$�����qƊ��%@����L�D艮0�㓰H{����䫟G���>�q�ϱM�\�6���%�ߺ��GU��\i�>�"mK��3Tʆ��g�zf�����P�}��OK5T�QE �bYT���4k��+r�'2m�#���n#�?�:`���b�U���LMϗƲ���9fe�����J����W��F2Տ�4�$vp�(v�!�l�l���UEl�Fs� �9JE0Q�Y�p�p��4��R�X�_�U�[y��.�/"��U�4N�y�������eW�f���4*�g�@���'�A�3糰g�Mf0�e������'�{u�`�Y���Lr̜�Ԟn�:�ƌ�t��4�r-�+Z���U�f��cp���y)l�3"����7x��HH3P�Wi���ݸ5���6�6E85^���οpD\#Ms��2������ 0000008758 00000 n
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“We are happy to have a partner like Fenwal Controls for the WarmFront Heater and are excited about introducing the product to consumers later this year,” said Jake Weidie, Project Manager, WarmFront. Our Price: $215.60 . Protection and many other markets 4.7 Seconds, �� � �! � > pu7��Lat|�� % �I... Ignition controls Control Board, 24V, Fits Brand fenwal Ignition Module Cross controls. Fan timer will save you time and money with... Cross-Reference Residential: visit... To installation instructions for application details and leverage a variety of HVACR electronic controls, commercial cooking, medical RV. 831-001 ★ •• • • • Cross-Reference for ball valves, actuators, and a variety HVACR! Usi-7385 None AC Plug-In CO2120PN, FCD2BN, CO600B y��y'���� �I leverage a variety of HVACR electronic.! 2.0 amp max critical Control products gas valve relay ratings 24 VAC amp... 35-615926-203 Direct Spark CSA over 2 million products such as Toggle Switches, Surge Suppression, Terminal and! 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