Popular music diversified in the 1960s to encompass surf, folk, and soul music. If you want to leave a comment about one of these items, type your comment into the comment box, and click its Comment button. Study American Pop Music- Test 1 Flashcards at ProProfs - First Test in History of Popular Music in America (Points : 2) True False Question 2. (Points : 2) True False Question 4. This product contains an Access Code Only Based on Dr. Simon Anderson’s title, OnAmerican Popular Music focuses on listening and references over 600 pieces of streaming music linked directly from the text. Section 1, Question 1 What dance did Chubby Checker introduce to American audiences on American … Billee Holiday, popular American singer, was a man. 1878 - The New York Symphony Orchestra was founded by Leopold Damrosch 1880 And now is the time to honor that fact. 4. Pre 1900s 1718- New Orleans was founded 1830 - Minstrel Shows appear. Click here for an interactive preview! American popular music achieved international dominance in the decades after World War II. In the fourth edition of their bestselling text, American Popular Music: From Minstrelsy to MP3, Larry Starr and Christopher Waterman provide a unique combination of cultural and social history with the analytical study of musical styles. And what all of those artists have in common is that they are African American. (Points : 2) True False Question 5. World Wars I and II spurred a new genre of popular music. 2. Explore the rich terrain of American popular music with the most complete, colorful, and authoritative introduction of its kind. jazz. The stylistic mainstream of American popular music was, until at least the mid-1950s, largely oriented toward the tastes of white, middle- or upper-class, Protestant, urban people. 1. Quiz 1: American Popular Music Printed below are the items for which user comments are being sollicited. Laptop computers can be utilized as recording studios. In the 1970s, glam rock and disco became popular, and punk rockers revolted against the excesses of these styles. American popular music is the sound of countless Louis Arm-strongs sharing the music in their souls. 3. Hip-hop dominated the 1980s, and its popularity continued into the 1990s and 2000s. True. This was a form of entertainment consisting of comic skits, variety acts, dancing, and music, performed by white people in blackface. Big-band swing represented the dominant form of American popular music in the 1930s and 1940s. The electric guitar was developed in American popular music. 1. What is the African-American music that developed around the turn of the twentieth century and incorporates elements of African music and Western popular and art music called? Supposedly marginal music and musicians have repeatedly helped 5. American popular music has had a profound effect on music across the world. OnAmerican Popular Music explores the rich tapestry of popular music in the United States – from its origins to today. (Points : 2) True False Question 3. Most popular American music genres began with Black performers. Click the Done button when you're done making comments. By the 1950s the migration of African Americans to cities in the North had resulted in the cross-fertilization of elements of blues with the up-tempo rhythms of jazz to create rhythm and blues.