46) The World conference on Human Environment was held on C) Persians D) Sumerians. 23) Consider the following statements : In this article, we are providing Animals Extra Questions and Answers PDF Class 10 English First Flight CBSE, Extra Questions for Class 10 English First Flight was designed by subject expert teachers. 154. The Controller of Insurance is at present Which Tamil nationalist published a literary magazine called “Bala Bharahi”? 113. B) NSS data on consumption of expenditure C)the Indus Valley D) the region between the Swat and the Indus. Consider the following statements: Semiconducting property of silicon is due to D) Vitamin ‘D’ – Water soluble Ans: D D) Both (A) and (R ) are true, but (R ) is not the correct reason. Before Taking these Test, Study the School Books fully and Clearly. B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) B) (A) is true, but (R) is false A) Caste clashes in Tamil Nadu AD does not mean “After Death.” It is an abbreviation for “Anno Domini,” which is a Latin phrase meaning “in the year of our Lord,” referring to the year of Christ’s birth. 57) The total strength of Rajya Sabha in Tamil Nadu is 31) The population of Tamilnadu was (as per 2001 census) B) 3 4 1 2 1. The ratio of three numbers is 35: 55: 77 and their HCF is 24. 169. 80) The pallava rulers believed in What were the animals found in the most of the ancient forts for protection? 5) The average of the first five prime numbers is To know the stress and strain definition along with examples, visit BYJU’S. C) W.H.O Day D) World Population Day. A) Akinetes B) Heterocysts A) April 10th B) June 10th A) Tamil Nadu B) Uttar Pradesh _____ and grading are facilitating functions. C) 1884 C) 1886. Also he will maintain a cash book of his own to record his day to day cash transactions and at the year end balance of cash book and bank account passbook should tally. 47) The Central Pollution Control Board was set up in the year TNPSC GROUP – I Ans: C A) 424 B) 533 C) Bohr D) Einstein Ans: D 125. Trigonometric Ratios are applicable only for a right-angle triangle. 42) Demographic pressure acts as a push factor in A) 1 2 3 4 Reason ( R) : It does not accept the existence of permanent self. A) 1970 B) 1972 ... ICT is an acronym that stands for Indian Classical Technology. C) Lignite D) Urea. A) 4 B) 5 But if you thought it was an abbreviation or a contraction, you’re not alone. A) 2 1 3 4 C) 6 D) None of these Ans: D C)Ropar D) Mohenjodaro Ans: A Six ward level committees have been formed in Kolathur and they will visit houses extending Pongal greetings to the public. Over the past few decades, many writers have made the same mistake, which is why you might occasionally see till written as ’til. Which of the following is used in electric heaters and irons ? TNPSC GROUP – I B) Liquid silver – Mercury NMMS Exam 2020 - SCERTs are releasing state-wise NMMS 2020 admit card on the respective official websites. 19) The students in theree classes are in the ratio 2:3:5. C) Limestone D) Iron ore. Ans: A Consider the following statements: C) 3 1 2 4 d) Census 4) First hand information 74) What does the Rigveda contain? C) Durand Line D) 17th Parallel. C) Gluconeogenesis D) Saponification Ans: C C) Cellulose – Structural polysaccharide 179. CODES: c) Nalangadi 3) The evening bazaar 163. work in 6 days, then 4 men and 4 boys will finish it in 127. A) Both (A) and (R) are true and ( R) is the correct explanation of (A) 20. Which one of the following is correctly matched? d) Sarojini Naidu 4) Kanpur, 1928. D) 3 2 1 Ans: C Ans: D A) 5.0 B) 5.2 வல்லினம் மிகும் இடங்களும் மிகா இடங்களும் | TNPSC T... புணர்ச்சி விதிகள் - TNPSC, TET & PG TRB - Tamil Gr... TNPSC பொதுத்தமிழ் | கடற்பயணம் - General Tamil Study Material, saidai duraisamy manithaneyam study materials, 6th - 12th Samacheer kalvi Tamil Notes | Study Material, TNPSC Downloads | Previous Year Questions, TNPSC | TRB | TET - Model Test with answer keys, Engineering Related Books Online PDF free to Read. Ans: A D) A forest reserved for the use of tribal people Ans: C A) 1960 B) 1963 A) 424 B) 533 C) 648 D) 650 Ans: B 2. What is the full form of IEEE? 2. traveled, when reentered into the Earth Atmosphere was burnt. 123. 70) In which year for the first time was no-confidence motion move in the parliament? A) Down’s syndrome B) Kinefelter’s Syndrome Since there is no satisfactory official data on income levels of Indian households, we don’t have a … List I List II C) 200 D) 400 Ans: C A) July, 1991 B) June, 1992 Ans: A 180. C) August 8 D) December 8 Ans: B TNPSC TRB and TET all competitive exams General _____ and grading are facilitating functions. List I List II List I List II A) (i), (ii) and (iv) B) (i), (ii) and (iii) The smallest number which when diminished by 3 is divisible by 21,28,36 and 45 B) Coimbatore Blast Pituitary gland is situated in A) Jainism B) Buddhism Codes: a b c d Browse through a comprehensive list of Medical Acronyms and their Abbreviations. A) Balban B) Aibek So what exactly is the difference? D) Right against exploitation – Art. 152. _____ is an act of obtaining a desired product or service from someone by offering something in return. 35) The UTI was formally established in Also, learn about stress-strain curve and SI units of stress-strain. C) 2 3 1 4 129. b) Thornthwaite 2) Cycle of erosion Cram.com makes it easy to get the grade you want! 153. d) Penck 4) Agricultural typology. A) 15 crores B) 5 crores A) One sperm is fertilized with two eggs 73) Ashrams or four state of life came to be well established during which period? 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Which of the following is not situated in Tuticorin? 20. B) 3 4 2 1 TNPSC GROUP – I a b c d It is an important exam for the 10 th students to choose their group in their higher secondary studies. TNPSC GROUP – I The protein content is of the order C) 2 3 4 1 144. 14) P(A)= 0.6 and P(B)= 0.5, then which one of the following is correct ? C) 2 3 4 1 Codes: C) Germany D) Spain Ans: B C) A and B are complementary events Moreover, any of the t… b) Kalakadu 2) Nilgiri Ans: Standardisation. C) Yajurveda D) Atharvaveda Ans: D A) Monohybrid cross B) Back cross 7) The speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/hr and the speed of current is 3 km/hr. C) Valmiki D) Tarabai. In every aspect of our lives, technology has taken over and it is important to keep up with times. B) Diamond – Conductor D) 1 2 3 4 Ans: C D) (A) is false, but ( R) is true Ans: B 18) If x= (¼)y and y=(1/5) z then x: y: z equal to TNPSC GROUP – I A) Rs. c) Indian Space Research Organisation 3) Trichy List I List II 133. A) (i) and (ii) are correct B) (ii) alone is correct What is the expansion of SMS? 189. The marine algae commercially exploited for the production of ‘agar’ is 156. If 40 students are increased in An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence. Which of the following is not related of Neyveli C) Tiriunelveli D) Tuticorin Ans: C 114. CE and BCE are used in exactly the same way as the traditional abbreviations AD and BC. 90) The Indus valley people imported from abroad A) 5% B) 17% Download Links of Group 4 Model Papers. C) 2 4 1 3 98) Consider the following statements: 104) International Literacy Day is celebrated on 175. A) 5 B) 6 a b c d C) Vitamin ’B’ – Water soluble Ans: D TNPSC GROUP - I Series Questions. What was the ‘game’ that every child in the school had to play? C) 1981 D) 1991 Ans: C D) 3 4 2 1 Ans: D A) Government of India Act, 1935 B) USSR Which one of the following instruments is used to measure the speed of water through a pipe? 159. C) (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is the correct explanation 120. A) Both (A) and (R ) are false 54) New Education scheme 10+2+3 was introduced by Ramachandran 167. At present the expenditure on Government (both Central and State) as a percentage of GDP is Consider the following statements Information and translations of NSA in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Prepare for any type of exam in tamil language, download this app now. Reason (R ): Vitamin K prevents erosion of the skin in higher animals C) Thirteenth position D) Tenth position Ans: C 136. a b c d A) Rabindranath Tagore Reason (R): He wanted to destroy nationalistic unity. B) Is ecofriendly 32) In literacy among the all states in India, Tamil Nadu occupies which position ? An initialism is where a long phrase is abbreviated to its initial letters but the letters are pronounced individually, not spoken as a word - for example, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). 187. C) Basic D) Acidic Ans: D Arrange the states in ascending order in terms of sex ratio (2001): Malayalam script is also widely used for writing Sanskrit texts in Kerala. A) 4 1 5 3 148. A) 3.6 km B) 2.4 km Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Maths Solutions Term 1 Chapter 1 Rational Numbers Ex 1.1 164. C) 24% D) 30% Ans: D A) British India B) Congress A) NH 1 B) NH 7 Furthermore, each side of the right angle triangle has a name. Relax and have fun this festive period with our Christmas quiz trivia questions, complete with answers. A) Godavari B) Gandak 89) Which God was worshipped by the Indus valley people? The Ministry of Home Affairs is in overall charge of internal as well as external security and policing and is the controlling authority for the Indian Police Service (IPS). Ans: D C) Graphite – Insulator B) 2 1 3 147. 109) Dharmapuri district is known for ____ in Tamil Nadu. c) Mukurthi 3) Tirunelveli C) Kanniyakumari D) Tuticorin. C) Supports sugar industry C) Both matriarchal and patriairchal families D) EXCEL – Tabulation Ans: D b) Defency Research Laboratory 2) Bangalore 6) A sum amounts to Rs. C) A + B – Expression Consider the following statements Mrs. is an abbreviation for the word Missus, it … C) Kamaraj D) Jayalalitihaa. A) Local taxes B) Property taxes C) Good action D) Liberation. B) 4 2 1 5 A) Kanniyakumari B) Thiruvalluvar Sexual characters in female are controlled by b) Recruitment of civil servants 2) Atckinson A) C.N. Our Whats UP Public Group For Daily Updates: 10TH - TN New Syllabus Study Materials | TNPSC TN New Syllabus Study Materials. Ans : Structured Query Language 20. Study Flashcards On Common Medical Abbreviations at Cram.com. C) Both (A) and (B) a) Union List 1) Criminal law and procedure Ans: B A) Article 320 B) Article280 C) Crust of the earth D) Ocean floor. Ans: C If you want to pass the TNPSC Group 4 Exam, You have to score 80% in this model papers.So practice this type of model test seriously. 150. Link/Page Citation Category Filters; All definitions (64) Information Technology (9) Military & Government (16) Science & Medicine (16) Organizations, Schools, etc. C) Silver D) Silk Ans: – C) Dravidian Tamil weekly was started C) Gangotri C) Kaveri Ans: A Link/Page Citation Category Filters; All definitions (17) Information Technology (3) Military & Government (1) Science & Medicine (1) Organizations, Schools, etc. A) Granite B) Quartz A) Both (A) and (R) are true and ( R) is the correct explanation of (A) C) Commercial banks D) Development finance institution. A) Thirumoolar B) Gnana Sambandar A) Tolkappiyar B) Kabilar D) None of these. C) C. Rajagopalachari D) Baktavatchalam. 2. C) Wide band gap a) Bharat Heavy Electricals 1) Kalpakkam C) (A) is true, but ( R) is false C) Mercury D) None of these Ans: D All three, Mrs, Ms and Miss are abbreviations of the honorific Mistress, which is the feminine of Mister, or Master. a b c d C) Indian Co-operative committee D) Rangarajan committee. 28) When did the ‘Chauri Chaura’ incident taken place? D) Black and red ware. Where is the Veterinary University in Tamil Nadu located? TNPSC GROUP – I B) 1 2 3 4 D) 1 2 3 4 Ans: B இலக்கணக்குறிப்பு கண்டறிதல் - வினைத்தொகை மற்றும் பண... இலக்கணக்குறிப்பு கண்டறிதல் - பண்புத்தொகை | Tamil Grammar for TNPSC TET TRB Study Material. cells in shoots’. 25) Who wrote ‘Ananda Math’? here. C) Test cross D) Dihybrid cross Ans: B 141. A) 7 B) 4 Computer Science quiz, multiple choice, objective type questions with answers pdf for high school students Class 10, Class 11 and Class12. b) Liquid hydrogen 2) Antiknocking agent C) World Trusteeship Organisation D) World Transport Organisation Ans: B ability questions answer explanations, TNPSC VAO and Group exams 6the Standard tamil Ans: D b) Primary data 2) Person giving information A) 3 1 2 4 C) V.O.C D) V.S.S. C) Collection of a chronological sequence of dynasties Find out what is the full meaning of ANZ on Abbreviations.com! C) Study the Dalit’s situation in Tamil Nadu C) Pride D) Desire. If you want to pass the TNPSC Group 4 Exam, You have to score 80% in this model papers.So practice this type of model test seriously. 68) Directive principles of state policy were incorporated in the Constitution with a view to Ans: C 173. Which of the following is not correct? Ans: A Ans: Exchange. 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