7 Things the Bible Teaches About Justice 1. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. The study's application is to think and act according to God’s Word and His justice, not man’s. The study's aim is to show that God wants our hearts, not just our words. Jesus emphasized restorative justice, not punitive justice. 114, emphasis in the original.). He confronted the status quo of his day as he took sides. I was doing some research this afternoon about how to teach kids about justice from a Christian perspective. Treat Your Parents Justly. He was not God. So, justice in this world didn’t matter to Jesus. What really mattered to him is that you have eternal life in the next world. Thus says the Lord, “Do justice and righteousness, and deliver the one who has been robbed from the power of his oppressor. ali-arif-soydas-370399-unsplash.jpg ... the new paradigm we desperately need to fully embrace is the ever-fresh ancient Gospel of Jesus. (Adapted from the Bible Expositor and Illuminator Commentary) The vested interest, or the agenda, was to translate the Bible in such a way that did not inspire the people to act with justice. First, some Christians say that social justice is a perversion of the Gospel, and that rather than seek to engage in social justice issues, we should instead just preach the Gospel. PBS Teachers has a website on justice activity ideas that I found helpful. Because while the general statement is true, Jesus took sides. For you can’t seek righteousness with God without seeking justice with other people. In other words, it was an overtly political act” (pg. Sex Trafficking: the Story of a Young Girl, the Problem of a Generation. Righteousness emphasizes our spiritual state of being. Catholic Social Teaching & Restorative Justice Written by Susan Sharpe, Ph.D. and adapted for Catholic Mobilizing Network. Christians need to interpret the concept of justice through the eyes of Jesus. Otherwise, maybe I … After all, they assume that the Emperor and God are leaders of two different realms – the Emperor was in charge of the physical realm and God was in charge of the spiritual realm. Jesus obeyed God unto death and became sin so that sinful men might be counted righteous. In this sense, Jesus is saying that those who hunger and thirst for a better relationship with God will be filled. And so, this idea claims, Jesus didn’t care much about the physical realm of this world. Our weekly newsletter creates a space to take a breath. David made some major mistakes (Bathsheba, among others), but he also governed over one of the most prosperous times in Israel’s history. Even more, the claim of kingship while Herod was king was an act of political treason. Justice is central to God’s character. Jesus emphasized restorative justice, not punitive justice. A life following Jesus will bring us to the most difficult corners of the world, ministering in deed and with his Word to those encountering the greatest suffering and marginalization. Jesus taught his followers that those who live good lives and follow his teachings will be rewarded with eternal life in God’s kingdom. Jesus statement put the Emperor in his place. That claim is an act of political subversion. Herod oversaw an unjust economy that benefited himself and his friends, while leaving the people destitute. Education Director, UCC pastor, husband, father of three, preaching the love of Jesus and one another, Join our weekly journey of creating peace, Aaron Rodgers: Why I Hate His Football, But Love His Theology, How Forgiveness Can Transform Our Violence and Build a World of Belonging, Toxic Christianity: 3 Things We Can Do That Will Make Jesus Cry, How to Respond to President Trump’s Blasphemy: Raven Values for Times of Crisis. Jesus indicated that the Kingdom would do away with the greatest injustice by sanctifying, or making holy, the name of Jehovah God and clearing it of all the reproach that Satan has heaped upon it since the rebellion in Eden. Jesus always had a counter for their legalistic perspectives. If you would judge Jesus Christ by some of those who profess to follow Him, you might think that Jesus would be an advocate of individuals’ expression of disdain and even hatred toward their enemies and of nations’ r… The phrase “all people” is significant. But what is justice, exactly, and who gets to define it? The Bible’s teaching on justice is much more comprehensive than simply punishing the wrongdoer. But that misses the point. You will never be filled with the Kingdom of God if you just emphasize one over the other. In Jesus code, to love is to be just. Jesus lives right and makes life right with others. Jesus called Herod a fox because Jesus cared about the unjust political systems of his day. Key Verse: “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.”. He says, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s and to God the things that are God’s.” Many point to this story to claim that Jesus wasn’t concerned with justice and that he was apolitical. And that side is always with the marginalized. No Comments. That word can be translated as righteousness, which has strong connotations of having a right relationship with God. When we hear the phrase “Justice was served,” we think punishment was meted out. What Jesus stood for and the Bible teaches is justice—pursuing what is right according to what God says not what society and people say (Micah 6:8). The claim runs like this: Jesus only cared about your eternal soul. But there is a problem. 46). That is, Jesus should be our interpretive principle for what justice looks like. There was no “separation of church and state” during this time. Your email address will not be published. God expects that justice be at the center of his covenant people. The lesson explores Jesus Teachings about Justice and hypocrisy. But what does belong to the emperor? And what does belong to God? They were also taught by the Buddha, Confucius and Aristotle. Psalm 24:1 states, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”. It begins with the Beatitudes (Mt. He sided with the poor, the weak, and the marginalized. The Emperor is not God. Jesus and social justice according to Luke Hanson and Oakman (1998) mentioned that the ruling elites during Jesus’ era sought out the backing of … It’s about the transformation of unjust societal structures so that all people can live in harmony, prosperity, and peace. Jesus, not the Bible, is God's living and active Word that brings life. To be just is to love. He lived “the law of the Christ.” It was embodied in his life course. God’s call to holiness is based on his own... 3. Luke 18:1-8: Jesus teaches His disciples to always pray and never lose heart. The purpose of this “Christ vs. Christianity” column is to show how many churches and individuals who profess the name of Christ teach and practice things that are directly contrary to what Jesus Christ actually taught. "Justice" is a felt need in our world today and a controversial topic. For Jesus, justice was meant to provide restoration. That is, Jesus should be our interpretive principle for what justice looks like. As René Girard states in his book Violence and the Sacred, Our “impartiality-at-any-price is not unfrequently simply an unsubstantiated assertion of superiority” (pg. Rather, they wanted a translation that would inspire reverence for those in power. This post is part two in a series in which I "unpack" the General Rule of Discipleship. It is among you. Jesus even called Herod a fox, which was not a term of endearment! Justice. Powered by Knownhost and the Genesis Framework. But, really, I can't find many resources on the issue. He did not deserve their ultimate loyalty. In addition to the newsletter, you will receive the free "Am I Scapegoating?" He does not deserve your ultimate loyalty. He exposed the evil of racial prejudice by fellowshipping with Samaritans and Gentiles, and He even praised them in His teachings. Like Jesus who recognized differences, we need to reach out to all people without distinction as to economic status, ethnicity, or gender. He only cared about the spiritual realm, or the Kingdom of God. Based on these teachings, Jews have regarded the practice of justice and the seeking of a just society as Divine imperatives. Jesus Teaches about Justice June 17, 2018 Background Scripture: Matthew 15:1 – 9; Mark 7:1 – 13 Lesson Passage: Matthew 15:1 – 9 Today’s lesson presents one of the many confrontations between Jesus and the Jewish religious leaders recorded in the gospel accounts. As a good Jew, and as his hearers were good Jews as well, they would have known that Jesus’ teaching to give to God what belongs to God was deeply rooted in the Hebrew scriptures. In fact, “all his ways are justice” (Deuteronomy 32:4). The emperor used his status as a god to justify and enforce his will in unjust ways. And so the question is, “What belongs to God?” The answer is everything. 14 Jesus did more than teach about love. The transition from the strict justice of the Mosaic Law to the mercy of “forgive thy enemies” in the teachings of Jesus sheds light on the glory of the Incarnation, which we are celebrating in a special way during these Christmas days, as well as on our participation in the life of Christ in the Sacrament of Penance. 15 First, Jesus scrupulously avoided committing any injustice. Also do not mistreat or do violence to the stranger, the orphan, or the widow; and do not shed innocent blood in this place. In other words, Jesus cared about justice. Jesus enacted the Kingdom of God while living in the Kingdom of Herod and the Empire of Rome. He was concerned about every aspect of our lives – including our political, religious, and economic lives. But once again, that misses the whole point. In fact, the phrase, “Kingdom of God” is politically loaded language. Jesus said that they nullified (brought to nothing) the command of God for the sake of their tradition. His form of justice did not involve methods of violence or war to defeat an enemy. The Temple was as much a political and economic institution as it was a religious institution. It is now. The Temple had become corrupt and unjust. But Jesus was a different kind of King. Jesus also exposed the inhumanity of certain religious rules, which was a political problem in the first century because religious leaders had political power. “Scripture plus” or “Scripture minus” is no good. It is only because of Christ’s obedience to suffer injustice that we have an advocate before God and the forgiveness purchased by His blood. Conclusion. “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And we realize that God’s justice is not about revenge. Jesus Teaches about Justice. by Christian Education | Jun 17, 2018 | Jesus Teaches about Justice. For you can’t seek righteousness with God without seeking justice with other people. Jesus’ justice was very real, but it was based on the methods of direct nonviolent action and non-retaliation. And when we claim to follow Jesus, we are disciples of justice. The Bible teaches that God is a God of justice. The New Testament claims that Jesus was the true king, the true Messiah. He boldly spoke out against inequality, helped the oppressed, condemned the … justice mark the events of his days and nights. Church Life, Practical Justice, Theology 117 Jesus was a social justice hero. A fox was an unclean animal that was a second rate predator. If you know of any, let me know! We could just as easily translate Matthew 5:6 as. Jesus [ mission on earth in his time is our mission on earth in our time. T he sermon on the mount has long been rightly understood as both a starting-point and a summation of Jesus ’s teaching. When Jesus says to give to God what is God’s he is making a political statement. June 17: Jesus Teaches About Justice (Matthew 15:1-9) By Jim Eichenberger June 12, 2018 Teacher Tips. Jesus was also called “the Son of David.” David was the most important king in Israel’s history. In closing, the lesson teaches us about “tradition” and “new thinking” and that our actions are to provide for humanity and not honor misconstrued laws so that we may live in the spirit of the law. He was not just concerned about our spiritual lives. Only the authoritative voice … They say that no amount of helping people will transform society and bring justice to the world, unless it is first founded upon Jesus Christ. Consider three ways in which Jesus’ example made clear what justice is. The phrase “Kingdom of God” is problematic because it has been overly spiritualized, just like the word dikaiosune. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be filled. To witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Some will point to the scene where Jesus was asked about paying taxes. Jesus was concerned about this world. You might be wondering if the King James Version of the Bible had a vested interest in translating dikaiosune as “righteous.” Translators always have an agenda, whether that agenda is conscious or not. It is here. Because especially in the United States, justice is associated with revenge. Jesus does not call us to stay above the fray in a state of neutrality. Once we slow down, we can see the way desire, imitation, and conflict operate in our lives and in the world, and begin to create peace. The “justice” for which Jesus calls his followers to thirst in the beatitudes (Matthew 5:6) speaks of life, of reconciliation, the restoration of relationships with God and with one another (same as the “justice” the Old Testament links with peace and steadfast love). So Jesus cleansed the Temple by making a whip and protesting its corruption. "You don't have His word living in … When Christians look at justice, Jesus should be our interpretive principle. No, because dikaiosune can be translated with another word: justice. Following the King James Version, most English translation of the Greek text translate Matthew 5:6 as. When we refuse to take the side of the marginalized, the victims of human society, we attempt to wash our hands, just like Pilate when he sentenced Jesus to be killed. Those were the methods of the Kingdom of Herod and the Kingdom of Rome. The translators of the KJV translated for a king. The thing that mattered to Jesus more than anything else is that you repent of your sins so that you can go to heaven when you die. Jesus says, “For, in fact, the Kingdom of God is among you.” The Kingdom of God is not primarily an other worldly spiritual realm. As the biblical revelation of God makes its first climax in the Mosaic... 2. Jesus taught His disciples and, through the Word of God, teaches us how to live and then how to share with others the way to become His followers. Romans 12:15-18 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Christians need to interpret the concept of justice through the eyes of Jesus. In fact, all wise people who know the path to peace teach the very same things. This matters because a right relationship with God (righteousness) should lead to right relationships with other people (justice). But that is a gross misreading of Jesus. Emphasizing righteousness with God, as opposed to justice for marginalized, would allow the King’s power structure to go unquestioned. The Emperor thought he was a god. The people longed for a son of David to come and set things right – to bring justice to the nation. The Temple was not just about religion and spirituality. During the time of Jesus, the Temple was the religious, political, and economic center of Jerusalem. But that’s not the justice that Jesus taught. In an act reminiscent of the Jewish prophets who routinely criticized the political, economic, and religious establishments for not enacting God’s justice, Jesus went to the Temple and attempted to shut it down because it failed to enact God’s justice. Rooted in both scripture and the rich tradition of our faith, Catholic Social Teaching is a guide for how to live as a people of justice and mercy. For blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be filled. When we interpret justice through the eyes of Jesus, we begin to realize that a right relationship with God demands just relationships with one another. Many assume the Kingdom is merely an otherworldly spiritual realm where you go after you die. Furthermore, the Bible supports the notion of social justice in which concern and care are shown to the plight of the poor and afflicted (Deuteronomy 10:18; 24:17; 27:19). But Jesus calls us to take sides in the nonviolent pursuit of justice. God’s Kingdom would promote true justice. e-book when you subscribe. Jesus Christ and Social Justice Perhaps the most profound statement of Our Lord, linking the Incarnation with the welfare of humanity is: “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.”(John 10:10) Every Christian and person of good will can look to Jesus, especially because he says: „I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not be walking There are many Christians who claim that Jesus didn’t care about politics or justice. As Obrey Hendricks states in his book, The Politics of Jesus, “That is why what seems to have been simply a burst of outrage against wayward merchants was in reality much, much more: it was a very public attack aimed at Israel’s center of power. It is crucial that we keep this double meaning of dikaiosune in mind. We are not to show favouritism (James 2:8-9). For Jesus, justice was meant to provide restoration. 5:3-12), in which Jesus delineates the categories of people he says enjoy special favor.The Beatitudes are all familiar to us as sayings, the best known being blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. In the original Greek, the word righteousness is dikaiosune. Let’s look at the Sermon on the Mount. Of course, these teachings are not limited to Jesus. For the sake of their tradition just as easily translate Matthew 5:6 as to... Just society as Divine imperatives Testament claims that Jesus was also called the. God ” is problematic because it has been overly spiritualized, just like the word righteousness is dikaiosune Jesus! Lived “ the law of the Greek text translate Matthew 5:6 as James Version, most English of... Justice for marginalized, would allow the king ’ s power structure to go unquestioned new paradigm desperately! Mobilizing Network to the newsletter, you will never be filled to always and... 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