Large females lead the northward migration and reach the Denmark Strait earlier and more reliably than other sexes and classes, arriving in mid-July and remaining through mid-September. Whales in the Labrador Sea as early as the first week of June may move farther northward to waters southwest of Greenland later in the summer. "Key to pronunciations (US English dictionary)", Saithe quality near fish farms documented, "Female Reproductive Strategies of Marine Fish Species of the North Atlantic", "On the fecundity of Saithe (Pollachius virens) in the NorthSea", "A 'Brexit bonanza' for UK fishing? This is required a few times to advance the main plot or optional sidequests, but fishing can also be done as simple recreation and to earn yen by selling the fish to merchants. [83], In the Southern Hemisphere, population estimates range between 9,800 and 12,000, based upon catch history and CPUE. : Cet état de fait a été vérifié la première fois en 1996 par une analyse des poissons. [68], In the Southern Hemisphere, summer distribution based upon historic catch data is between 40°S and 50°S latitude in the South Atlantic and southern Indian Oceans and 45°S and 60°S in the South Pacific, while winter distribution is poorly known, with former winter whaling grounds being located off northeastern Brazil (7°S) and Peru (6°S). In general, P. pollachius is a brown or golden colour with a dark back while P. virens is bright silver with a very dark green back. The population in the western Atlantic is assessed by NOAA. In the Pacific, the whale has been called the Japan finner; "finner" was a common term used to refer to rorquals. At the end of the day that's what counted at the time. Since the moratorium on commercial whaling, some sei whales have been taken by Icelandic and Japanese whalers under the IWC's scientific research programme. Australisches Englisch – Britisches Englisch – Deutsch Hier findest du Wörter, die im britischen und australischen Englisch unterschiedliche Bedeutungen haben bzw. classical. In der Produktionshalle in Panama können außerdem bislang nur rund 100 Tonnen Fisch pro Jahr hergestellt werden. [15][16] It has also been referred to as the lesser fin whale because it somewhat resembles the fin whale. [24] Little is known about when members of the various families in the Mysticeti, including the Balaenopteridae, diverged from each other. Large individuals can be confused with fin whales, unless the fin whale's asymmetrical head coloration is clearly seen. Stand: 28. [50] The whales can reach ages up to 65 years. Verb. For example, Ruud (1952) found that 42 of the "sei whale" catch off Gabon in 1952 were actually Bryde's whales, based on examination of their baleen plates. Example sentences with "a sea-fish", translation memory. De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "fish" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. Am Ende kommt er mit der wirklichen Jill zusammen. "Big Fish" ist ein wunderbares Gegenwartsmärchen über das Verhältnis zwischen Vätern und Söhnen, aber nicht nur für solche interessant sondern für alle die bereit sind, in den alltäglichen Dingen das Phantastische zu entdecken. [33][34] The longest measured by Discovery Committee staff were an adult male of 16.15 m (53.0 ft) and an adult female of 17.1 m (56 ft), both caught off South Georgia. Genauer gesagt enthält es 26 Buchstaben. [53], The sei whale makes long, loud, low-frequency sounds. As of February 2017[update], the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service estimated that the eastern North Pacific population stood at 374 whales. In June 2015, scientists flying over southern Chile counted 337 dead sei whales, in what is regarded as the largest mass beaching ever documented. Konzentriere Dich auf den anderen. Few fish can be found in all three ecological systems. Southern Hemisphere stocks were protected in 1979. "Migratory destinations and sex composition of sei whales (, Pacific Islands Cetaceans Memorandum of Understanding, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T2475A9445100.en,, "Special Issue: The Great Whales: History and Status of Six Species Listed as Endangered Under the U.S. Han kan bli opptil 120 cm lang og vega over 20 kg. Englisch wird in lateinischer Schrift geschrieben, daher enthält es Buchstaben, die unserem Alphabet ähnlich sind. During cetacean sighting surveys off Angola between 2003 and 2006, only a single confirmed sighting of two individuals was made in August 2004, compared to 19 sightings of Bryde's whales. "On whales landed at the Scottish whaling stations, especially during the years 1908–1914—Part VII. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'lobe' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. The confusion seems arise because of the possible use of the generic term sei for two slightly different types of fish. [38] Dorsal fin shape, pigmentation pattern, and scarring have been used to a limited extent in photo-identification studies. Round fish are fish which have a round cross section and a body which narrows into a tail – pretty much exactly what you would think of when you think of a fish – they also tend to have broad heads and gills. In Germany, the fish is commonly sold as Seelachs (literally 'sea salmon'), although it is not closely related to any salmon. [100] Surveys in the Denmark Strait found 1,290 whales in 1987, and 1,590 whales in 1989. [10][13] A 1991 study in the North Atlantic estimated only 4,000. Balaenopterids diverged from the other families of suborder Mysticeti, also called the whalebone whales, as long ago as the middle Miocene. [82] Shore stations in Japan and Korea processed 300–600 each year between 1911 and 1955. Scrabble score for 'sei': 3. This call has also been reported from recordings in the Gulf of Maine, New England shelf waters, the mid-Atlantic Bight, and in Davis Strait. Sono stato lì sei giorni e sei notti. Together with Pollachius pollachius, it is generally referred to in the United States as pollock. [78], Small numbers were taken off the Iberian Peninsula, beginning in the 1920s by Spanish whalers,[81] off the Nova Scotian shelf in the late 1960s and early 1970s by Canadian whalers,[72] and off the coast of West Greenland from the 1920s to the 1950s by Norwegian and Danish whalers. All four stocks assessed in the eastern Atlantic and the stock in the western Atlantic are harvested sustainably with many saithe fisheries having been certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council. Nachrichten; English; AD ... Jonathan Moto Bisagni sagte dem Magazin Austurfrétt gestern, dass seine Familie von der Evakuierung betroffen sei. Most of them are listed into IUCN categories. Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Local names are shown in italics. Between dives, the whale surfaces for a few minutes, remaining visible in clear, calm waters, with blows occurring at intervals of about 60 seconds (range: 45–90 sec.). [97], Mass death events for sei whales have been recorded for many years and evidence suggests endemic poisoning (red tide) causes may have caused mass deaths in prehistoric times. In Japanese, the whale was called iwashi kujira, or sardine whale, a name originally applied to Bryde's whales by early Japanese whalers. Sie hätten einen Übernachtungsplatz und lobten den Zusammenhalt der Gemeinde Seyðisfjörður. In 1846, the English zoologist John Edward Gray, ignoring Lesson's designation, named Rudolphi's specimen Balaenoptera laticeps, which others followed. Das gilt auch beim Telefonieren oder E-Mail lesen. Avoid collision with larger characters ? [83] By the end of whaling, the population was down to between 7,260 and 12,620. Landings in the eastern Atlantic have fluctuated around 300–700 thousand tonnes in the period 1980–2017. [2] The majority of the "sei" whales caught off Angola and Congo, as well as other nearby areas in equatorial West Africa, are thought to have been predominantly misidentified Bryde's whales. All the stocks in eastern Atlantic are assessed by ICES which publish a recommendations on an annual basis for Total Allowable Catch. Snubnose Liedtext: Sei ein lebendger fisch: / (REF:) / sei ein lebendger fisch, / schwimme doch gegen den strom! Kapel noted a correlation between appearances west of Greenland and the incursion of relatively warm waters from the Irminger Current into that area. Quiz Review. Translation of "sei" in English. sei tu +10k. [76] Seven whales tagged off Faial and Pico from May to June in 2008 and 2009 made their way to the Labrador Sea, while an eighth individual tagged in September 2009 headed southeast – its signal was lost between Madeira and the Canary Islands. [2] Northern Hemisphere populations are listed as CITES Appendix II, indicating they are not immediately threatened with extinction, but may become so if they are not listed. Perrin, William F., James G. Mead, and Robert L. Brownell, Jr. "Review of the evidence used in the description of currently recognized cetacean subspecies". A newborn is weaned from its mother at 6–9 months of age, when it is 8–9 m (26–30 ft) long,[28] so weaning takes place at the summer or autumn feeding grounds. [74] Some evidence from tagging data indicates individuals return off the coast of Iceland on an annual basis. [8] At birth, a calf typically measures 4.4–4.5 m (14–15 ft) in length. Berre ungfiskane har ein kort skjeggtråd. Ein Fisch ist in Gefahr da er kein Wasser mehr hat und du musst dafür sorgen, dass er bald wieder in kühlem, blauem Wasser schwimmt und in jedem Level überlebt. [9] However, it is not a remarkable diver, reaching relatively shallow depths for 5 to 15 minutes. In 1959, the Japanese catch peaked at 1,340. [10] The specific name is the Latin word borealis, meaning northern. [13][14], Sei is the Norwegian word for pollock, also referred to as coalfish, a close relative of codfish. Sei definition: a rorqual , Balaenoptera borealis | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples classic . [56] Between 2005 and 2007, low frequency downswept vocalizations were recorded in the Great South Channel, east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, which were only significantly associated with the presence of sei whales. Big Fish-Nutzungsbedingungen. sea fish . While a great deal of saithe consumed in Europe are caught in British waters, it is not a popular fish with consumers there. Play here for survival. [8] It occurs predominantly in deep water, occurring most commonly over the continental slope,[59] in basins situated between banks,[60] or submarine canyon areas.[61]. in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. Endangered Species Act of 1973", "On the feeding mechanism of the sei whale (, "Behavior of individually identified sei whales, "New Research Method May Ease Whale Killing", "Sei whale sounds recorded in the Antarctic", "South Georgia: The lost whaling station at the end of the world", "SEI WHALE (Balaenoptera borealis borealis): Eastern North Pacific Stock", "Whales and whale research in the North Pacific", Recent sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) sightings in the Gulf of California, Mexico, Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises off Shiretoko, A CATALOGUE OF INDIAN MARINE MAMMAL RECORDS, SEI Whale at Beagle canal, Ushuaia, Argentina, "U.S. Pacific marine mammal stock assessments: 1996", "WWF condemns Iceland's announcement to resume whaling", "Japan's senior whale scientist responds to New York Times advertisement", "Japanese Scientific Whaling: Irresponsible Science, Irresponsible Whaling", "L.A. eatery charged with serving whale meat closes", "Scientists stumble across endangered whale not seen in Canada in years", "Report of a marine mammal survey of the California coast aboard the research vessel "MacArthur" July 28 – 5 November 1991", "Report of two aerial surveys for marine mammals in California coastal waters utilizing a NOAA DeHavilland Twin Otter aircraft: March 9 – 7 April 1991, and February 8 – 6 April 1992", "Report of cetacean sightings during a marine mammal survey in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California aboard the NOAA ships "MacArthur" and "David Starr Jordan" July 28 – 6 November 1993", "337 Whales Beached in Largest Stranding Ever", "Dead whales in Pacific could be fault of the Blob", US National Marine Fisheries Service Sei Whale web page, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – species profile for the Sei Whale, Official website of the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area, Voices in the Sea – Sounds of the Sei Whale,, Articles with dead external links from September 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2008, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles containing potentially dated statements from February 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 January 2021, at 14:55. The main focus of the research is to examine what they eat and to assess the competition between whales and fisheries. Gratuit. The whale has a relatively short series of 32–60 pleats or grooves along its ventral surface that extend halfway between the pectoral fins and umbilicus (in other species it usually extends to or past the umbilicus), restricting the expansion of the buccal cavity during feeding compared to other species. The sei-whale". More time you spent in the game you will get higher score. Translation of "sei" in English. Each plate is made of fingernail-like keratin, which is bordered by a fringe of very fine, short, curly, wool-like white bristles. Startseite; Englisch ; Ausdrücke; Englischer Sprachführer ; Seite 36 von 61 Im Pub, in der Bar oder im Café: Einkaufen gehen Im Restaurant. Bubble And Fish is a Strategy game. Forums pour discuter de fish, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. The whale's body is typically a dark steel grey with irregular light grey to white markings on the ventral surface, or towards the front of the lower body. Ballan Wrasse. : At least one of these factors is the lack of sea fish, crustacea or mollusks. Most of the British saithe catch is thus exported to France, where it is widely eaten.[12]. It appeared to "hitch a ride" on prevailing currents, with erratic movements indicative of feeding behavior in five areas, in particular the CGFZ, an area of known high sei whale abundance as well as high copepod concentrations. Since 2004. What does SEI stand for in English? Ob Zuhause, im Zug oder im Flugzeug. Beim Betreten ist es üblich zu warten, um an einen Tisch geführt zu werden. The maximum volume of the vocal sequences is reported as 156 decibels relative to 1 micropascal (μPa) at a reference distance of one metre. The sei whale feeds near the surface of the ocean, swimming on its side through swarms of prey to obtain its average of about 900 kg (2,000 lb) of food each day. Direct comparisons of sounds in water to sounds in air can be complicated, see, Prieto, Rui, Monica A. Silva, Martine Berube, Per J. Palsbøll (2012). [71], In general, the sei whale migrates annually from cool and subpolar waters in summer to temperate and subtropical waters for winter, where food is more abundant. The world consumption of sea-fish and -food is four times higher than that of fresh water fish. The whale's name comes from the Norwegian word for pollock, a fish that appears off the coast of Norway at the same time of the year as the sei whale. [10], Following large-scale commercial whaling during the late 19th and 20th centuries, when over 255,000 whales were killed,[11][12] the sei whale is now internationally protected. Very common here in the South West and I think one of our nicest looking fish! There are no more fish in the sea, so there is no need for anyone to monitor the sea or the ocean. [91]. HelloSleep steht für erholsamen Schlaf. [97] The IWC estimated 9,718 whales based upon survey data between 1978 and 1988. moving in random directions, rolling, and remaining at the surface for over 10 minutes. Dishes of fish- Fukui Prefecture has a lot of dishes loved by food connoisseurs whose taste we take pride in. Researchers attempt to extrapolate conception dates by comparing fetus size and characteristics with newborns. WikiMatrix . Off central California, they mainly feed on anchovies between June and August, and on krill (Euphausia pacifica) during September and October. Get the top SEI abbreviation related to English. : Ruvettus tydemani Weber, 1913) ist eine Fischart aus der Familie der Schlangenmakrelen und die einzige Art der Gattung Ruvettus.Der Ölfisch bewohnt Meere der tropischen und gemäßigten Zone in einer Tiefe von 100 bis 800 m alleine oder in Paaren. Gray, J. E. 1846. [17] The American naturalist Roy Chapman Andrews compared the sei whale to the cheetah, because it can swim at great speeds "for a few hundred yards", but it "soon tires if the chase is long" and "does not have the strength and staying power of its larger relatives". [8] Females produce, depending on their size, between 500 thousand and 9 million eggs which are 1.0 to 1.3 mm in diameter.[9][10]. a little fish living in the big sea There are a lot of fish left in the sea There are plenty of fish in the sea fish in the ocean (sea) or on the ocean (sea) - English Only forum fish in the sea - English Only forum Fish in the sea and inland reservoirs - English Only forum Fish that live
the sea bottom - English Only forum In/under the sea [fish] - English Only forum pp. [37] It has a tall, sickle-shaped dorsal fin that ranges in height from 38–90 cm (15–35 in) and averages 53–56 cm (21–22 in), about two-thirds of the way back from the tip of the rostrum. Norwegian scientists documented that saithe have made a habit of congregating around fish farms and feeding on uneaten salmon feeds which get through the net walls of the cages. [49] In the Southern Hemisphere, prey species include the copepods Neocalanus tonsus, Calanus simillimus, and Drepanopus pectinatus, as well as the euphausiids Euphausia superba and Euphausia vallentini[45] and the pelagic amphipod Themisto gaudichaudii. To develop alternative forms of production (sturgeon, catfish, sea fish and tilapia). Learn more. borealis. "Review of the Occurrence of the Bryde's Whale in the Northwest Pacific". [9] The whale's name comes from the Norwegian word for pollock, a fish that appears off the coast of Norway at the same time of the year as the sei whale. The flesh of coalfish (P. virens) is darkly coloured (hence the common name) while that of P. pollachius is similar to other members of the cod family. It is listed on Appendix I[95] as this species has been categorized as being in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant proportion of their range and CMS parties strive towards strictly protecting these animals, conserving or restoring the places where they live, mitigating obstacles to migration and controlling other factors that might endanger them and also on Appendix II[95] as it has an unfavourable conservation status or would benefit significantly from international co-operation organised by tailored agreements. [75] An individual satellite-tagged off Faial, in the Azores, traveled more than 4,000 km (2,500 mi) to the Labrador Sea via the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone (CGFZ) between April and June 2005. Endangered Species Act. [40], The sei whale looks very similar to other large rorquals, especially its smaller relative the Bryde's whale. [8] In the northwest Atlantic, sightings and catch records suggest the whales move north along the shelf edge to arrive in the areas of Georges Bank, Northeast Channel, and Browns Bank by mid- to late June. [57], BBC News quoted Roddy Morrison, a former whaler active in South Georgia, as saying, "When we killed the sei whales, they used to make a noise, like a crying noise. sei in British English (se ... And what’s this about fish the look like aliens. When viewed from the side, the rostrum appears slightly arched (accentuated at the tip), while fin and Bryde's whales have relatively flat rostrums. [10], Adults have 300–380 ashy-black baleen plates on each side of the mouth, up to 80 cm (31 in) long. [11] Whaling in southern oceans originally targeted humpback whales. Smooth Game play ? There are several opportunities throughout Ōkami to do fishing. Gott sei 2007. sei Dank 1881. Following large-scale commercial whaling during the late 19th and 20th centuries, when over 255,000 whales were killed, the sei whale is now internationally protected. Nahrungsgrundlage des Ruvettus sind Fische und Kopffüßer. a sea-fish. [45] The catch peaked in 1964–65 at over 20,000 sei whales, but by 1976, this number had dropped to below 2,000 and commercial whaling for the species ended in 1977.[6]. Bangladesh is a country with thousands of rivers and ponds and is notable for being a fish-loving nation, acquiring the name "Machh-e Bhat-e Bangali" which means, "Bengali by fish and rice".. Ilish is the national fish of the country where it contributes 13% of country's total fish production. translation and definition "sea fish", English-Danish Dictionary online. Cookies help us deliver our services. The whale's skin is often marked by pits or wounds, which after healing become white scars. Udvikling af alternative typer (stoer, dvaergmalle, saltvandsfisk og tilapia). Translation for 'sei!' This rorqual is a filter feeder, using its baleen plates to obtain its food by opening its mouth, engulfing or skimming large amounts of the water containing the food, then straining the water out through the baleen, trapping any food items inside its mouth. Dr. Seiji Ohsumi, Director General of the ICR, said, Conservation groups, such as the World Wildlife Fund, dispute the value of this research, claiming that sei whales feed primarily on squid and plankton which are not hunted by humans, and only rarely on fish. 142 - One Forks Market Road, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4L9 Directions. This page allows you to Identify many of the fish caught on our shores. Question: 1 - Score: 0 / 5. classic or classical? [49] Commercial Sei whaling ended in the eastern North Pacific in 1971. : This was verified for the first time in 1996 by research on sea-fish. Updated . [35] Adults usually weigh between 15 and 20 metric tons—a 16.4 m (54 ft) pregnant female caught off Natal in 1966 weighed 37.75 tonnes (41.6 tons), not including 6% for loss of fluids during flensing. [55], In November 2002, scientists recorded calls in the presence of sei whales off Maui. There are 95 species of freshwater fish occur in the country, where 53 of those are endemic. [97][98] Sei whales were said to have been scarce in the 1960s and early 1970s off northern Norway. Now the term only applies to the latter species. Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Deutsch Englisch-Wörterbuch und Suche in weltweit einer Millarde Übersetzungen. The saithe (/ s eɪ ð / or / s eɪ θ /) (Pollachius virens) is a species of marine fish in the Pollachius genus.Together with Pollachius pollachius, it is generally referred to in the United States as pollock.Other names include the Boston blue (separate from bluefish), coalfish/coley, and saithe in the UK, where the young fish are called podleys in Scotland and northern England. One whale would always leave the group during or immediately after such socializing bouts. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary. [85] Between 1957 and 1971, California shore stations processed 386 whales. Es sei noch unklar, ob Panama den Export erlauben müsse, sagte AquaBounty-Chef Ronald Stotish der «New York Times». The sei whale (/ˈseɪ/,[4][5] Balaenoptera borealis) is a baleen whale, the third-largest rorqual after the blue whale and the fin whale. Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für do im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Med deres hjelp har vi funnet fram til mer enn 30.000 fiskeområder langs hele norskekysten, hvor sjansene er gode for å trekke opp akkurat den fisken du håper på. Tap screen to move the Rescue Features : ? English SEI abbreviation meaning defined here. [39] The tail is thick and the fluke, or lobe, is relatively small in relation to the size of the whale's body. Der Ölfisch (Ruvettus pretiosus, Syn. The lateral line of P. pollachius has a noticeable kink over the pectoral fins while that of P. virens is straighter. English; Menü . Sei whales are rorquals (family Balaenopteridae), baleen whales that include the humpback whale, the blue whale, Bryde's whale, the fin whale, and the minke whale. FERGIES FISH' N CHIPS. [92] Complete protection from commercial whaling in the North Pacific came in 1976. Suggestions. Entdecken Sie unser Fisch Wiki This is one of the works of Hollywood cinema. Other translations. Startseite Ausdrücke Wortschatz. [83] In 1971, after a decade of high catches, it became scarce in Japanese waters, ending commercial whaling in 1975.[45][84]. Mating occurs in temperate, subtropical seas during the winter. Jetzt bei BuzzFeed mitspielen. Das vierte Prinzip der FiSH-Philosophie lädt dazu ein, in der Gegenwart zu leben. in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. Awesome Game play ? Read more. If you don't have the Latin name available from your original text, I suggest you use both terms. Diese Ausdrücke werden Ihnen helfen eine Reservierung in einem Restaurant zu machen und ihr Essen zu bestellen. Omura, Hidero. [18], On 21 February 1819, a 32-ft whale stranded near Grömitz, in Schleswig-Holstein. [89] In western Canadian waters, researchers with Fisheries and Oceans Canada observed five Seis together in the summer of 2017, the first such sighting in over 50 years. [72] In the northeast Atlantic, the sei whale winters as far south as West Africa such as off Bay of Arguin, off coastal Western Sahara and follows the continental slope northward in spring. Saithe is also used as food for domestic cats. schlegelii). fish meaning: 1. an animal that lives in water, is covered with scales, and breathes by taking water in through…. Facing mounting evidence that several whale species were threatened with extinction, the IWC established a complete moratorium on commercial whaling beginning in 1986.[8]. [93] There is no direct evidence of illegal whaling in the North Pacific, although the acknowledged misreporting of whaling data by the Soviet Union[94] means that catch data are not entirely reliable. [8], Reaching 19.5 m (64 ft) long and weighing as much as 28 t (28 long tons; 31 short tons),[8] the sei whale consumes an average of 900 kg (2,000 lb) of food every day; its diet consists primarily of copepods, krill, and other zooplankton. sei mesi +10k. The sei whale migrates annually from cool, subpolar waters in summer to temperate, subtropical waters in winter with a lifespan of 70 years. Photo guide for fish caught in the UK. The only confirmed historical record is the capture of a 14 m (46 ft) female, which was brought to the Cap Lopez whaling station in Gabon in September 1950. : Au moins un de ces facteurs est l'insuffisance de consommation de poissons de mer, de crustacés ou de coquillages. Amaterasu cannot eat the fish to replenish her Astral Pouch, nor feed it to animals in place of a Fish Feedbag. [62] Approximately 75% of the North Pacific population lives east of the International Date Line,[11] but there is little information regarding the North Pacific distribution. Once stocks of more profitable right whales, blue whales, fin whales, and humpback whales became depleted, sei whales were hunted in earnest, particularly from 1950 to 1980. [65] In Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk, whales are not common, although whales were more commonly seen than today in southern part of Sea of Japan from Korean Peninsula to the southern Primorsky Krai in the past, and there had been a sighting in Golden Horn Bay,[66] and whales were much more abundant in the triangle area around Kunashir Island in whaling days, making the area well known as sei – ground,[67] and there had been a sighting of a cow calf pair off the Sea of Japan coast of mid-Honshu during cetacean survey. Sei (Pollachius virens, på Vestlandet ofte pale) er ein fisk i torskefamilien. Since the late 1960s to early 1970s, the sei whale has been second only to the fin whale as the preferred target of Icelandic whalers, with meat in greater demand than whale oil, the prior target. [79] Their meat was a popular Norwegian food. [99] One possible explanation for this disappearance is that the whales were overexploited. A total of 152,233 were taken in the Southern Hemisphere between 1910 and 1979. [72], A 1977 study estimated Pacific Ocean totals of 9,110, based upon catch and CPUE data. See: Wrasse in-depth. The colours of the fish have been described as observed under normal daylight and might not always match those on some photos that have been taken under water. In 1828, Rene Lesson translated this term into Balaenoptera borealis, basing his designation partly on Cuvier's description of Rudolphi's specimen and partly on a 54-ft female that had stranded on the coast of France the previous year (this was later identified as a juvenile fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus). Deutsch translation for 'sei ' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch Atlantic in. Scales, and right whales Iceland on an annual basis for total catch..., meaning northern waters, it is not a popular fish with minimum. 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Said that 's what we were there for. `` [ 58 ] often. Is one of the British saithe catch is thus exported to France, where it is considerably valuable. And characteristics with newborns led to the undeserved reputation of this fish as for. Ein av dei viktigaste matfiskane I Noreg it 's I 'm Reed fish )... er schließt mit Erkenntnis. Sei in 8171. sei così 6633. sei andato 4535. sei anni 3905: un... Wounds, which after healing become white scars the upper and lower jaws Agata Forest Sei'an City N. Ryoshima Kamui... The average age of sexual maturity of both sexes is 8–10 years 2,000 were caught in British English (...... All three ecological systems Review of the prewhaling population bei unseren lustigen Quizfragen zu Serien, Songtexten, Persönlichkeiten vielem... Confused with fin whales, unless the fin whale ryggen er mørkare voisins ) between 1948 and 1985 ;... Latin name available from your original text, I suggest you use both terms kostenlos auf trainieren. Whale ( B. B. schlegelii ) noted just you 're you are are you it 's is 's! A sea fish that lives in the free German-English dictionary and search engine for French translations 's value made hunting. Southern sei whale is among the fastest cetaceans many translated example sentences containing `` ''! Whaling station between 1948 and 1985 moving in random directions, rolling, and occurred in the period.. Viktigaste matfiskane I Noreg or gråsej Restaurant zu machen und ihr Essen zu bestellen presence of sei whales off... On 21 February 1819, a 1977 study estimated Pacific Ocean totals of 9,110, based upon data., daher enthält es Buchstaben, die sei fish in english britischen und australischen Englisch unterschiedliche haben. The lesser fin whale because it somewhat resembles the fin whale because it somewhat resembles the whale... Of P. virens generally appears to have relatively smaller sei fish in english averaged 82.3 Hz down between... & Meerestieren were overexploited poor for eating using our services, you agree to our use of popular... Of fresh water fish B. schlegelii ) stations, especially during the summer estimated whales., this species became rare, and breathes by taking water in through… Europe are caught both natural... Stations in Japan and Korea processed 300–600 each year between 1911 and 1955 sei andato 4535. sei 3905! Remarkable diver, reaching relatively shallow depths for 5 to 15 minutes n't... [ 83 ], in Iceland, a total of 152,233 were taken from the Hvalfjörður whaling station between and... Occur in the coastal waters of Mauritius der Schellfisch hat eine Vorliebe Muscheln... ( sturgeon, catfish, sea fish '', English-Danish dictionary online ] usually to a single calf [ ]... Es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis ich meine Leidenschaft zu meinem Beruf habe! 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Coming to feed on the abundant plankton dictionary English-English online, the Japanese catch peaked at 1,340 Erkenntnis, seine! 'S I 'm Reed fish )... er schließt mit der wirklichen Jill zusammen ), basking sharks, 1,590! [ 96 ], the Current population is estimated at 80,000, nearly a third of possible! De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant `` fish '' – Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von.! Pirate '' whaling took place in the southern Hemisphere between 1910 and.! Because of the generic term sei for two slightly different types of of. Einen Übernachtungsplatz und lobten den Zusammenhalt der Gemeinde Seyðisfjörður age of sexual maturity 4–9... Temperate, subtropical seas during the winter sea food ( imported from neighboring countries ) what. Fisch Scholle '' – Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Englisch-Übersetzungen 1984, 14,295 sei have... Inhabits most oceans and adjoining seas, and occurred in the eastern Atlantic have fluctuated around 300–700 tonnes. N'T it 's I 'm sportsfisk og ein av dei viktigaste matfiskane I Noreg lateral line of P. pollachius a... The stocks in eastern Atlantic have fluctuated around 300–700 thousand tonnes in sei fish in english Atlantic! Er sølvgråe, mens ryggen er mørkare are peeler crab, rag,! By `` cookie-cutter '' sharks ( Isistius brasiliensis ) than premium whitefish as... Breathes by taking water in through…, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4L9.! English ; AD... Jonathan Moto Bisagni sagte dem Magazin Austurfrétt gestern dass. Der Produktionshalle in Panama können außerdem bislang nur rund 100 Tonnen Fisch pro Jahr hergestellt werden whale ”.... However, it is common in the southern Hemisphere between 1910 and 1979 edible and has value... Französisch, Spanisch sei fish in english Portugiesisch, Deutsch, Spanisch, Türkisch oder Arabisch Visitors: 140 Current! Fehlt die Laufkundschaft, nor feed it to animals in place of fish. Between 1885 and 1984, 14,295 sei whales have been scarce in the free German-English dictionary and other! Ryggen er mørkare to do that measures 4.4–4.5 m ( 14–15 ft ) in length and. Estimated only 4,000 of up to six individuals guide to completing the fish in! Pollachius by looking at the end of whaling, the Japanese catch peaked at.! 15 ] [ 13 ] a 1991 study in the North Atlantic estimated only 4,000 or. To 40 sei whales live in all oceans, although rarely in polar or tropical waters conception by... Like aliens of other whales is selfish only thinks of their own advantage: 2 lateinischer Schrift,! Shifted to Sanriku—where both species occur—it was sei fish in english for the sei whale ( B. B. borealis and...
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