Wenn man genau hinsieht, kann man hinter der Fassade den Schatten des Helfers sehen, der die Wand hält bzw. Convict 13 | Original plans called for an ending with a flood sequence, but due to the devastating 1927 Mississippi River Flood, producer Joseph Schenck forced Keaton to cut the arrangement. The film includes Keaton's single most famous stunt: an entire building facade collapsing all around him. Buster Keaton in Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928) After being blown around by a cyclone in this film, a dazed Buster Keaton stops in the middle of a street to catch his breath. Der Navigator | Steamboat Bill, jr. war kein Erfolg an den Kinokassen für Buster Keaton. Steamboat Bill, Jr. is the story of a naive, college-educated dandy who must prove himself to his working-class father, a hot-headed riverboat captain, while courting the daughter of his father's rival, who threatens to put Steamboat Bill, Sr. and his paddle-wheeler out of business. Keaton führte diesen Stunt – wie damals üblich – selbst durch. He eagerly awaits the arrival of his college student son, whom he has not seen since the lad was a baby. He reaches his father's ship and rescues first Kitty (stranded on a floating house), then his father (by ramming the ship into the sinking jail, which has also been blown into the river), and finally Kitty's father. Der General | Sein Sohn William, der in Boston aufgewachsen ist und seinen Vater noch nie gesehen hat, kommt zu Besuch. Keaton, who had directed or co-directed many of his earlier films, was an uncredited co-director on this project. "[11], Over the years, Steamboat Bill, Jr. has become regarded as a masterpiece of its era. Das vollelektrische Haus | Er gerät damit in einen Loyalitätskonflikt mit seinem Vater. Im Theater | Bill Sr (Ernest Torrence) is the captain of … Steamboat Bill, jr. (alternative Titel: Wasser hat keine Balken, Wasser hat Balken, Stürmische Zeiten, Dampfer-Willis Sohn) ist eine Stummfilmkomödie mit Buster Keaton aus dem Jahr 1928. Keaton had performed a similar, though less elaborate, stunt in his earlier short films Back Stage (1919) and One Week (1920). Keaton also sp… Das verwunschene Haus | Deadpan, a 1997 work by English film artist and director Steve McQueen, was also inspired by Steamboat Bill, Jr. McQueen stands in Keaton's place as a house facade falls over him. Es kommt zu einer Reihe von Verwicklungen und Auseinandersetzungen. Keaton, who had directed or co-directed many of his earlier films, was an uncredited co-director on this project. Expecting a big, husky man like himself to help him compete with businessman John James King and his brand new, luxurious riverboat, William is sorely disappointed with his slight, awkward offspring, who shows up with a pencil moustache, a ukulele, and a beret. Schließlich wird Steamboat Bill ins Gefängnis geworfen, als er sich mit Mr. King eine Prügelei liefert, weil seinem Schiff die Fahrerlaubnis entzogen wurde. Flitterwochen im Fertighaus | Juni 2020 um 13:50 Uhr bearbeitet. "[10] Mordaunt Hall of the New York Times called the film a "gloomy comedy" and a "sorry affair. [3] Keaton shot the risky stunt, not caring if he lived or died, later saying, "I was mad at the time, or I would never have done the thing." Doch der neureiche Bankier Mr. King erbaut ebenfalls ein neues Dampfschiff und liefert sich nun mit Steamboat Bill einen heftigen Konkurrenzkampf. The film begins with Mickey (nicknamed Steamboat Willie in this short) piloting a steamboat down a river, happily whistling along to the tune of "Steamboat Bill". Im hohen Norden | Released by United Artists, the film is the final product of Keaton's independent production team and set of gag writers. Die Väter vertragen sich und haben nichts mehr gegen die Beziehung von William jr. und Kitty einzuwenden. The Love Nest, Langfilme (stumm): The mark on the ground telling Keaton exactly where to stand to avoid being crushed was a nail. Der Vater ist wenig erbaut über seinen Sohn und vor allem über dessen äußere Erscheinung. He becomes outraged when he discovers that his son and King's daughter Kitty, also visiting her father, are in love. As Canfield Jr. makes his way through the town, a building front falls all around him. [1] In June 1927, Keaton traveled to Sacramento, California, and spent over $100,000 building sets, including a pier. It is one of the few Keaton films to reference his fame. Der alte Kapitän lässt seinem Sohn den Bart abrasieren und kauft ihm neue Kleider. Steamboat Bill, Jr. is a 1928 silent comedy film starring Buster Keaton. Drei Zeitalter | Er hatte sich seinen Sohn als großen, kräftigen jungen Mann vorgestellt, stattdessen ist dieser ein schmächtiger Bursche mit schmalem Bärtchen, Baskenmütze und modischen Kleidern. Steamboat Bill, jr. (alternative Titel: Wasser hat keine Balken, Wasser hat Balken, Stürmische Zeiten, Dampfer-Willis Sohn) ist eine Stummfilmkomödie mit Buster Keaton aus dem Jahr 1928. He pulls a rope to sound the steamboat's three whistles. A gambler from Louisville, Kentucky (home of the Kentucky Derby) places a bet against Bill that the Whippoorwill will be unable to beat the record. My Wife’s Relations | The sheriff hits Canfield Jr. on the head, sending him to the hospital. During an early scene in which his character tries on a series of hats (something that was copied several times in other films), a clothing salesman briefly puts the trademark cap on his head, but he quickly rejects it, tossing it away. Daydreams | The tall and medium whistle sound off in synch but the shortest one stays quiet until it receives a good hit from the medium one. Steamboat Bill, Jr. was a box office failure[7] and received mixed reviews upon its release. Nach mehreren Flops läutete dieser Film das Ende seiner Zusammenarbeit mit dem Produzenten Schenk ein. Spite Marriage, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Steamboat_Bill,_jr.&oldid=200825400, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Variety described the film as "a pip of a comedy" and "one of Keaton's best. At the time of filming, he had stopped wearing his trademark pork pie hat with a short flat crown.