People would freak though, that's for sure. You can sign in to vote the answer. And then this song started playing: Well, I've been hit from every corner. Create your list of favorite radio stations so you can access them in a second any time. But, according to the Bible, it is not a mystery that he uses human agency. He didn’t. 1 Comment Share Tweet Buffer Print Email. Man lived inside airport for 3 months before detection, Chiefs beat Browns, lose superstar QB to injury, Rock star: Bubble concert is safer than grocery store, What to expect from Biden on student loans, Michelle Obama shows off her natural curls in birthday selfie, 'You are outnumbered': Stunning new Capitol video. 1 Kings 19:11-13 64 Immediately Zechariah’s mouth was opened and his tongue was released, and he began to speak, praising God. It is, perhaps, comparable to the moral restraint that makes it impossible for God to lie. 3:26; Col. 2:14-15). In the same way, when all the dust settles, God will have used the worst possible people to bring about the greatest possible result (1 Cor. Saying the same thing at the same exact time. Our God-talk must therefore begin and end with what God has spoken concerning Himself. When God speaks to you, he connects you to your designed purpose, what you were created to be and do. Was God required to choose this method? The question is why? Comic: I got vaccinated. i would listen. Moses tells Pharaoh to let God's people free from slavery. For example, consider the book of Job. Two reasons come to mind when I ponder that question. . and try my best to follow what he is telling me! 65 All their neighbors were filled with awe, and people throughout the hill country of Judea were talking about these events.… So let’s consult that source to see why it is vitally important to allow God to speak to us through His Word. Sometimes, God speaks in whispers. Instead of looking like a cruel and self-serving tyrant (thus fulfilling Satan’s accusation), he took the form of a slave, and he hung naked on a Roman cross (Phil. He would use the worst materials to bring about the best results. Login to your account . Answer: A surface reading of the book of Job usually evokes a reaction such as “Why is God making a ‘bet’ with the devil? Chronologie Stars and Stripes Vol. Um, I already believe in God. They asked Moses to ask God not to speak to them again. If there is only one message that can bring us to God, then let’s hope that it is Jesus’ message, because it has reached the most people in the least amount of time. God isn’t required to do anything. W e all need people to influence us. You don't won't God to speak to you, because we are unworthy creatures. 10:14). This is relevant especially in the digital age where, although writing God on the internet or computer is not considered a violation of any Jewish law, when one prints a document out and happens to throw it in the garbage, it would be a violation of the law. Here is how Matthew recorded this event. Some people would rather have just seen MacGyver use a key and a gun to break out of prison, but by using scraps, MacGyver showed his brilliance and ingenuity in a way that wouldn’t have been otherwise possible. ? 14:6), and yet, he chose to use humans instead. Um, I already believe in God. Get your answers by asking now. Of course, it is a little more convenient for people in Los Angeles to listen to the broadcast, at 8:30 every night for six days, whereas for people in the other parts of the world, not so much. God speaks to us so it will accomplish His purposes. That's the same question we all have to ask ourselves.… Why You Must Listen to God Rather than to People Joash's life demands we cultivate our own resolve to follow the Lord. Instead, he chose to defeat Satan’s accusation in this way. Create new account. The Bible clearly teaches that God uses human agents to spread Jesus’ message of forgiveness (Mt. Most Republicans believe that a power elite controls their country, most Democrats insist it's not true, so which side is telling the truth? Still have questions? Frankly now that Yahoo is being ridiculous over responses etc, is it worth actually reading yahoo news. The fact that God uses people means that God wants to give us an incredible purpose in life, impacting eternity. And I've been thrown from side to side. [2] Emphasis mine. “Fifteen years ago I heard God speak to me audibly,” Maryanne told me while calling into a radio show I hosted. God could’ve used angels to spread his message (Rev. What they did see was thick clouds and darkness, with lightning and fire. The movie tells of a family with a typical amount of trials & tensions. Here is how Matthew recorded this event. This past Saturday night at Refuge, our Lead Teacher Brian talked about Moses' confrontation with the Pharaoh of Egypt. And the voice made sure you realized it was God. 3:9; 2 Cor. But God called Moses to come into the cloud itself, where God would speak directly with Him. Consider the old show MacGyver. They did not want to risk violating the commandment that says, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His … Third, God speaks powerfully through fallen people. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. By using human agents, God teaches people about love and patience (Mt. When we read through the account of this event in scripture we see that the people heard the voice, but did not see God. And why should I listen to him?' Does God’s voice speak through the radio? 2:5-9). And when Jesus was baptized, immediately He went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on Him; and behold, a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." Fourth, God might enjoy giving his children responsibility. So my actions and beliefs wouldn't change if I heard him on the radio. Parables for the easy minds of the time and in trouble-free terms the easy minds of this time take it actually!! Ps.115:3 God does whatever he pleases. Did God say actual words, or was the message just a feeling that came over you? Fernando, Ajith. So I come to You for life God Speaks Through The Bible (His Word) The Bible is one of God’s effective methods of communication. I'm sure it would all be very upsetting. . Regardless of the way God chooses to reveal Himself or “speak” to us today, remember one truth. The Bible is God’s Word, given to us so we can know Him and discover how He wants us to live. 2) Radio sells everywhere. I would know at once if it was God because the sheep will know the Shepard's voice. Should this be called the misinformation age? wants him to do. you see us everyday; Anonymous49864. 1:26-29). How do you think about the answers? Research proves that radio regularly reaches consumers within two hours of their largest purchase of the day.Can there be a better time to reach customers than on their car radio while they are driving to do today’s shopping? Bad news: I'm 75. Third, God speaks powerfully through fallen people. This account is somewhere in Exodus around the twenty's chapters. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers, 1974. Speak the Word of God to your situation. Listening to God has many benefits, not all of which are obvious on first glance. Frankly though I can't imagine a scenario where I would believe a voice on the radio was God, I would assume it was humans (or aliens) putting one over on us. – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist physique of recommendations to scripture, ignoring scholarship and intense gaining understanding of, and puzzling diverse understandings of reality”!! The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. ? And the cracks up on the inside. If you never heard of coronavirus through any media source, would you know that it existed? ), so it’s a topic I’ve been thinking about a lot. People would freak though, that's for sure. “The voice told me to visit a particular church. God the Father chose to speak. We know that God is a God who speaks to his people. I even asked [my Sunday school teacher] Mrs. Clarke one day after class, when the others had gone outside, ‘How do you know if God speaks to you?’ He made it easy to understand, so it would spread with ease (Mt. Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death. But listen: God does speak to us today, not in an audible voice, but in written words — the words of the Bible. I left shuffle on and prayed that God would turn my ears to the words he had for me. To hear God properly I it is essential that I commune with him and his word. All Rights Reserved. 2:7). Of course not. Evidence Unseen © 2021. Perhaps, by listening to a fellow sinner, God’s message is easier to accept. This will help you to remember the principles that God is … I'm sure it would all be very upsetting. How would you respond if God began to speak to you on your radio or even your tv (on every station of the radio & tv? On the plus side, maybe he would tell people to stop killing each other in his name, it must be REALLY annoying. Why shepherds? The Birth of John the Baptist … 63 Zechariah asked for a tablet and wrote, “His name is John.” And they were all amazed. Perhaps, by listening to a fellow sinner, God’s message is easier to accept. Enter the fourth reader-favorite … Isaiah 55:11 (ESV): So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it. In the scriptures we find the mind and thoughts of God. Wouldn’t it be cruel if Jesus made his message so complex that only a PhD could understand it? First, shepherds had the capacity to be humbled and amazed that God chose them to hear the news. Twitter temporarily suspends GOP lawmaker, Clyburn issues urgent appeal to country at 'crossroads', Jennifer Lopez responds to claims about her looks, Brady, Brees share special moment after playoff game. The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of england and mainstream church homes all settle for the enormous bang and evolution!! Why cant Ron Elving Senior Editor and Correspondent, Washington Desk NPR ever correctly report a story. God's revelation is the radical claim upon which we dare to speak of God--He has spoken! In a parent-child relationship, the parent enjoys allowing the child to learn to do things on their own. Isa.43:11-12. It was not lack of power that prevented God from crushing Satan –it was a matter of principle. He also gave it to us so we can have hope — hope of God’s forgiveness, and hope for His presence with us, both now and forever. Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury placed it o.k. God had to defeat this accusation –not through violence –but through a demonstration of love (Rom. Words We Hear. Titel (Anzahl) 12 Laufzeit 38 min 48 s Produktion. How has the media (film, tv, newspapers...) influenced or shaped how we think about and see the moon? Choosing these rules of engagement, God put down the accusation that he is self-serving in the most unthinkable way possible: the Cross of Christ. Here are three of the most common ways God speaks: 1. This concept should not surprise any Bible reader, especially when we consider subjects like Christ’s incarnation. Are the journalists critiquing people’s inaccurate use of “Orwellian” missing the point that censorship (private or government) is bad? Moreover, our usefulness does not pertain to this life only. The first way God speaks is the one that’s most often associated with hearing his voice: words we hear. That was a great movie, I saw it as a kid and got a huge kick out of it. First, God may have chosen to work within the parameters of certain rules or laws, which arise from his own nature and plan. In stating his personal credo, Jillette finds liberation in believing there is no God. Your favorites are always one click from start playing. Readers of Job often wonder, “Why didn’t God just destroy Satan with a cosmic bolt of lightning, forever silencing his accusations?” But, instead of annihilating Satan, we read that God allowed Satan to live. God speaks to His people through His word which was written by the inspiration of His Spirit. For instance, Fernando writes, When the Bible says that all things are possible with God it means that all things are possible with God within the rules that God in his wisdom and sovereignty has set as necessary for a good creation… The boundless saving power of God is limited by the way God ordained to save people –the way of faith.[2]. God may have put himself under these rules of engagement to allow men to choose him out of love, rather than out of fear. Imagine how unworthy they must have felt, but how honored. 5:46) –an invaluable commodity. Second, God might receive a greater glory using broken and fallen people. God will use restored human agents for the ages to come (Eph. That means that God’s nature as a God who reveals himself to people never changes. Crucial Questions about Hell. Jesus choose his disciples for their occupations, the personalities, their shortcomings, their dysfunctions, their lack of education—because he saw who they could be and would be. The question is why? So back to the question – why does God speak to us? So my actions and beliefs wouldn't change if I heard him on the radio. I'd call into the radio station and talk personally wit him. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 1 Cor. I’ve almost finished my new eBook, How To Hear God’s Voice (available now! What are these rules? Back then I would have said hallelujah,now I would say its' got to be a hi tech joke. Fifth, while it is a mystery why God uses people, it is also a privilege. Bibles us “Lord” instead of YHWH or Jehovah because of the practice begun by the Jews hundreds of years before Christ. • And then when you find what God’s Word says about your situation, speak the word of faith, vocalize it as God did in the Creation. I let the music wash over me. If there are certain rules in regards to receiving salvation, perhaps there are certain rules in regards to spreading salvation. Ultimately, it is a mystery as to why God uses human agency. One night, the voice of God speaks on the radio worldwide. (And if that was all, did it really count?) Stupid or dishonest? Pharaoh has an interesting response -- 'Who is God? God dwells in light: 1 Timothy 6:16 vs. God dwells in darkness: 1 Kings 8:12, Ps 18:11, Ps 97:2; God absolutely speaks to every one of us, through the pages of Scripture. God will use restored human agents for the ages to come (Eph. As we consider God’s wisdom in purchasing our salvation on the Cross, we need to consider his wisdom in spreading this salvation from the Cross. Anyone watching the George Floyd stuff on Court TV? We know that God is fully capable of speaking to his people at any time in any way he so chooses. If God spread the gospel through force, it might only revive Satan’s accusations. Other times, we really want to hear God speak. It could be that God wants people to learn to do spiritual work like him. Here are ten reasons why radio is your best choice (courtesy of the Radio Advertising Bureau). While we can speculate about this subject, if we trust the biblical account at all, we see that humans have a vital role in reaching the world for Christ. Eastbourne, E Sussex: Kingsway Publications, 1991. God’s communication forms are not that much different to ours. God’s Strategy in Human History. It’s catching a glimpse of the you that you were always meant to be. 5:20; Rom. Brian Wilson und Paul Fauerso bei Daybreak Over the Ocean. As half of the magic act Penn and Teller, Penn Jillette enjoys challenging his audiences with the unconventional. Once Satan made his accusation against God’s character, it couldn’t be unmade. [3] This does not mean that these rules are “above” God, but he might willingly put himself under these rules. In almost every episode, MacGyver would break out of prison with nothing more than a toothpick, some dental floss, a match, and some rubbing alcohol. Satan made an accusation that Job was only following God for his blessings. THAT WOULD BE SWEET. 11:25; 2 Tim. Sometimes in prayer we really need to speak what’s on our minds and hearts. Sixth, Jesus designed his message of forgiveness, so that it would be as simple and easy to communicate as humanly possible. Frankly though I can't imagine a scenario where I would believe a voice on the radio was God, I would assume it was humans (or aliens) putting one over on us. God spoke through the clouds and fire to them. 8. For a student who’s struggling to choose a school, sweethearts contemplating marriage, a parent who’s worried sick for a child, an entrepreneur considering a new risk, for nearly anyone who is hurting, or floundering, or fearing . God is being unfair to Job!” If we are honest and not just trying to defend God, He seems at first like some kind of cosmic ogre. Here’s why we need to listen to God. And yet, God did not need to use humans to spread his message. That’s Why God Made the Radio Studioalbum von The Beach Boys; Veröffent-lichung(en) 2012 Label(s) Capitol Records (EMI) Format(e) CD, LP Genre(s) Rock. Instead of killing Satan, God allowed Satan to kill his Son. 2:7). Many people are often cynical of decrees given by the boss of their company, but they are willing to listen to a coworker more readily. Question: "Was it unfair for God to allow Job to suffer over what was basically an argument between God and Satan?" History titles awarded on the radio god-speaks-internet-radio Latest titles and artists played on Login; Sign Out; Radio name; By artist name; By title/current artist; Name of playlist; Radio description . 1) Radio sells with immediacy. We also know that God never changes. 1 (1996) That’s Why God Made the Radio — That ’s Why God Made the Radio ist das 29. Here … People's attitudes, actions, & priorities began to change! The Jews did not want to pronounce or mispronounce the name of YHWH out of reverence.; What is; how old is hyunjin; Where can I find video tape on Misty diane adkins from Minneapolis Minnesota? God talked with him and walked with him. Moreover, our usefulness does not pertain to this life only. Satan’s accusations must be answered, and they cannot be truly answered by a force that simply crushes the accuser.[1]. Many people are often cynical of decrees given by the boss of their company, but they are willing to listen to a coworker more readily. hearing from God becomes important. Why Saying Is Believing — The Science ... And imagining a movement over and over can have the same effect on our brains as practicing it physically — … For instance, even Reformed thinkers admit that God will sovereignly choose to place himself under certain rules. John 6:63 [Jesus said] The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. People hear the voice of God on the radio all over the world in whatever language they speak. Discover Questions. He will never contradict His Word, and the message He gives will always be out of love, bringing glory to God. God is willing to humbly put himself under rules, which would seem incredible to us. I think that then instead of doing what I don't want to do and not doing what I do want to do, I would start to behave the way I should be now. Because of this, many Jews substitute "God" with "G-d" so that they can erase or dispose of the writing without showing disrespect to God. When we read the book of Job, we see that this epic battle is ultimately a war between God and Satan (Job 1-2). The Bible doesn’t directly answer this, but we can speculate a few answers. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. recent questions. [1] Forster, Roger T., and V. Paul Marston. But, perhaps, God is defeating cosmic accusations through the spreading of the gospel by using human agents. Seventh, if we should hope for a single message to be true, we should hope that it is Jesus’ message. The Bible contains answers and solutions for every social, spiritual, political, economic and life situation. I mean "thou shall not kill" seems pretty straightforward. 3:14-15). God is speaking all the time. I hope that George W. Bush is not listening to this broadcast because he will probably do whatever God (or more likely the C.I.A.) The problem is that in this case, even as Satan sank under God’s wrath and destruction, he would have gone with a sneer on his lips as though to say, ‘I told you so.’ Such a ‘solution’ would have left forever unanswered Satan’s accusation that God’s kingdom was based (like his own) on force and expediency. God did, one time, speak to the people of Moses day and they were terrified. From the languages we speak to the character we develop—it all begins with those who surround us in our formative years. God made us that way. Forster and Marston explain, We may indeed accept that he had the sheer power to stop or even destroy Satan. Before beginning, get your Bible, pencil and paper so you can write out the scriptures that answer each question. [3] We might not have a clue. I listened to the words and waited to hear God speak. 91; 92. “I was in the New Age movement at the time, was desperately lonely, and one day called out to God for help.” “What words did you hear this voice say?” I asked. Why not choose a king or a rich man whose testimony would have carried more weight? Introduction From: “God Wants Us to Live In His “Hope” and His Word, through Bible Scripture, which Gives us so Much “Hope”: In Psalms 42:5-6a, 43:5, we are told that, in all circumstances, God is our “Hope”: “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?