Ans: D. Q4: Syntax of constructor in Python. A. 2.It find the number of items. What is Python? A. C++ library. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. Explanation: The correct output of this program is "t" because -1 corresponds to the last index. A. Explanation: "val" is not a keyword in python language. Correct Answer: 1112223334. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. Duration: 1 week to 2 week. 21) Which one of the following has the highest precedence in the expression? So, you must be careful while using them in your code. D. declare x=5. Return to Programming Language Quiz List. So, Option D is correct. Is Python platform independent? Id … True, False, None; and, or, not, is; if, elif, else; while,for, break, continue, return, in, yield; try, except, finally, raise, assert; import, from, as, class, def, pass, global, nonloccal, lambda, del, with; Note : All keywords in python contains only alphabet symbols. 4. 15) Which of the following statements is correct for variable names in Python language? An … There are 33 keywords available in Python. All rights reserved. Search here for MCQs. All variable names must begin with an underscore. Explanation: The round function is a built-in function in the Python language that round-off the value (like 3.85 is 4), so the output of this function will be 5. 6. Q5: What is correct syntax to copy one list into another? Python Quiz Questions and Answers are asked in the previous examinations and may be repeated in the upcoming tests. 2. It is suggested to revise your Python concepts before beginning. Python MCQ on Variables 1. Q1. 33) The output to execute string.ascii_letters can also be obtained from:? Please mail your requirement at 33. B. Question: What is the use of the size attribute in Numpy array in python ? This section focuses on "Functions" of the Python programming. Explanation: local variable names beginning with an underscore discouraged because they are used to indicate a private variables of a class. D. Variable name can begin with number. Answer: (a) Infile = open(''c:\\scores.txt'', ''r''). 1. Answer: (a) Parentheses, Exponential, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Which of the following is the correct statement? Explanation: In Python, the "+" operator acts as a concatenation operator between two strings. In the next post, we’ll showcase the advanced concepts of Python … Q3: Select the reserved keyword in python. Leave a Comment / Multiple Choice Questions in Python / By Ankush Verma. 9) Which of the following statements is correct regarding the object-oriented programming concept in Python? 1.To make a Matrix with all element 0. Python Programming Multiple Choice Question - Functions. Answer: (b) Objects are real-world entities while classes are not real. The not keyword is used to invert any conditional statements. D. None of the above. Explanation: Variable name can not begin with number it can begin with letter or underscore. B. web browser Explanation: All declarations will execute successfully but at the expense of low readability. This tutorial provides brief information on all keywords used in Python. Polish your skills with these MCQs and assist yourself in attaining knowledge for Interviews, Entrance Examination, Online Quizzes, etc. Keywords are reserved words that can not be used as variables. Which one of the following is correct way of declaring and initialising a variable, x with value 5? What is Python? D. they slow down execution. Mock Tests and NEET Practice Papers,Learn loops in python,Learn Python MCQs: multiple choice questions and answers ... which keyword we use ? Which of the following is the correct output of this program? A. a=b=c=1 Find questions on types of Storage Classes like Life, Scope and the default value of variables. Answer: (b) id(name1) and id(name2) will have same value. True and False in python are same as 1 and 0. 12) Which of the following declarations is incorrect? You have to€select the right answer to a question. To practice all areas of Python, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. Python has a set of keywords that are reserved words that cannot be used as variable names, function names, or any other identifiers: Keyword Description; and: A logical operator: as: To create an alias: assert: For debugging: break: To break out of a loop: class: To define a class: continue: Correct Answer: 1112223334. Professionals, Teachers, Students and Kids Trivia Quizzes to test your knowledge on the subject. Explanation: All of the above options are correct regarding variables in Python. Questions on Precedence and Associativity, Bitwise & Boolean. Which of these is not a core data type in python . is an online portal for the preparation of the MCQ test of Degree and Diploma Engineering Students of the Gujarat Technological University Exam. a) def init() b) def init() c) init() d) All of these. Explanation: "name1" and "name2" refer to the same object, so id(name1) and id(name2) will have the same value. Python MCQ Quiz – Reach next level in Python programming! Variable names can start with an underscore. Answer: d Explanation: True, False and None … Python Keywords. Keywords are special words which are reserved and have a specific meaning. So, the postulates can check and practice the multiple choice questions related to the Python with the help of this post. Explanation: Python 3.0 version was developed on December 3, 2008. This page provides mcq on variables in python. Easily attend exams after reading these Multiple Choice Questions. © Copyright 2011-2018 A. no B. yes. 50) What error will occur when you execute the following code? This section focuses on the "Variables And Operators" of the Python programming. 14) Which of the following is not a keyword in Python language? Question: what is the use of the zeros() function in Numpy array in python ? Why are local variable names beginning with an underscore discouraged? Explanation: The maximum possible length of an identifier is not defined in the python language. Python MCQ on Variables 1. So, what are you … Example. 18) Which of the following operators is the correct option for power(ab)? 10. Python MCQs - Variables And Operators. Keywords are the reserved words in Python. It can be of any number. C. 63 Except True, False, None keywords, remaining all keywords are containing lower case alphabet … All the keywords in python is written in . 3. C. they are used to indicate global variables Below are€few€Python€MCQ€test that checks your basic knowledge of Python. All keywords in Python are case sensitive. All keywords in Python are in a) lower case b) UPPER CASE c) Capitalized d) None of the mentioned. Variable names can be arbitrarily long. Which of the following is not valid variable name in Python? 4.None of the above. Which one of the following is correct way of declaring and initialising a variable, x with value 5? 2. All the keywords in python is written in. Python Basics MCQs. How to create a virtual environment in Python, How to convert list to dictionary in Python, How to declare a global variable in Python, Which is the fastest implementation of Python, How to remove an element from a list in Python, Python Program to generate a Random String, How to One Hot Encode Sequence Data in Python, Classes are real-world entities while objects are not real, Objects are real-world entities while classes are not real, Both objects and classes are real-world entities, It will throw the error as multiple references to the same object is not possible, id(name1) and id(name2) will have same value, Both name1 and name2 will have reference to two different objects of class Name, It indicates a private variable of a class. A directory of Objective Type Questions covering all the Computer Science subjects. A. C++ library. Q1: What is the output of the following code − Q2: Suppose we have two sets A & B, then A