It's definitely not going well, Trump allies raking in tens of thousands of dollars from wealthy felons seeking pardons: NYT, Here's the damning timeline of Trump's conduct during the siege of the Capitol. Again? California actually functions now as … Virginia – We’ve just learned that the Governor of Virginia is expected to declare a state of emergency and reportedly has riot police and the National Guard at the ready, all while a number of counties are threatening to secede. The states that have so far accumulated more than 150 signatures … By John Kudla. November 9, 2020; Texas has been its own country before and many are convinced that it can be its own country again. Texas, for example, could secede and form five separate States if they wish. Telegram. Richard Kreitner on his new book "Break It Up" and why secession remains a … Nearly every red state gets more money back from the federal government than it pays in. August 4, 2020. It’s through the generosity of our supporters that we’re able to share with you all the underreported news you need to know. They WANT this. Every now and then, Texans bring up the idea of secession. Leftist Magazine Calls for Liberal Democrat States to SECEDE from U S ! AlterNet counts on readers like you to support our coverage. — Lanny Davis (@LannyDavis) September 26, 2020 The original post suggested that blue states secede and leave the red states to suffer on their own, hypothetically. Shit's getting real now. 485. An election “war gaming” exercise conducted amid fears of counting chaos resulted in three states threatening to secede and the military being asked to help decide the winner. And lost. 12/21/2020 04:30 AM EST. Share. Say goodbye to the interstate highway system, federally funded bridges and highways and other infrastructures such as the power grid, airports, railroads, all communication and weather satellites. © 2021 My thoughts on McConnell finally acknowledging that Trump's a loser, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. By John Kudla. The Security Apparatus indicator also takes into account serious criminal factors, such as … Let them secede, in whole states, or in parts, and let us enter into a treaty with them for the United States bases and ports, as the South tried to do with Lincoln, when he snubbed them and refused to answer, and instead, purposefully provoked S.C. to shoot at Ft. Sumter. The most important thing for states that secede would be to get international backing. Linkedin. Tumblr. It wouldn’t perpetuate slavery in the South, as secession in 1861 would have done. 2 Aug 2020. Twitter. ... Mr Clean Gold Member. That is a truly outstanding idea, but … As for the Welfare states, look to the big cities and see where the Welfare states are. UPDATE: 11-13-12 Since the orig… VK. Joined Oct 25, 2019 Messages 8,751 Reaction score 4,369 Points 260 Location Texas. Best regards. — Fox News (@FoxNews) December 11, 2020. The court’s decision meant that no individual states are now allowed to secede from the union. Texas, for example, could secede and form five separate States if they wish. “To the west coast of the United States, if you want to you can all become Canadian Provinces, since you voted closer to the experiences we have as Canadian,” Andrew Mercier, from Calgary, wrote on Facebook. He has unleashed federal police against protesters in … — Shadow of Dot Calm (@DotCalmsshadow) December 12, 2020. He has encouraged armed militias to stage threatening demonstrations in Democratic-governed states such as Michigan. Joined Aug 23, 2009 Messages 16,249 Reaction score 4,216 Points 290. Viber. So, New America will have 30 states and the Old America will have 20. The states will have to start their own Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Homeland Security and National Security Agency. UPDATE: 11-14-12 The secession petitions just keep on rolling in. That is a truly outstanding idea, but these states should realize what they will be giving up. Texas, which became a state in 1845, actually seceded in 1861 when it joined the Confederate States of America. This would divide our nation and allow choices for each State. Best regards. Take a closer look at the question of whether or not U.S. states have the constitutional right to secede. Print. November 09, 2020 Pacific States Gather Behind Nuke Ban Treaty By Joshua Mcdonald. “That success convinced Southerners, especially in South Carolina, that threatening to secede would convince the federal government to back down,” Kreitner said. Linkedin. The hashtag Texit is a play off the Brexit movement to get Britain to secede from the European Union. A similar motion was attempted in Winhall, but was voted down. Gdjjr Gold Member. Divided States Of America: 26 States Petition To Secede After Re-Election Of President Obama [UPDATED] All of whom have the largest population centers receiving Welfare. Russia would do it as secession would weaken the US as a whole and end its status as a superpower. Yes, 6 points is a solid victory, but Trump won the same 52 percent in 2020 as he did in 2016, showing no growth for the Republican on the ballot.". Blue States Secede? Pinterest. Thank you. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. Modern day Americans have no stomach for fighting. November 9, 2016. Picture: AFP. It's sad to see the division in this country growing, but it was/is inevitable. In the context of the United States, secession primarily refers to the voluntary withdrawal of one or more states from the Union that constitutes the United States; but may loosely refer to leaving a state or territory to form a separate territory or new state, or to the severing of an area from a city or county within a state. October 2, 2020. AlterNet’s journalists work tirelessly to counter the traditional corporate media narrative. Author Richard Kreitner speaks with Cenk Uygur on The Conversation about how disunion in the United States could lead to states seceding. A nation which does not recognize their true God as king of the nation cannot last for long. Telegram. Texas will give up NASA. The Times (London), Aug. 4, 2020. Survey: Should Donald Trump be prosecuted after he leaves office? Digg. Here is the Washington Times: Texas Republican Party Chairman Allen West suggested Friday that secession might be the answer for pro-Trump states. Viber. According to the Washington Examiner, Limbaugh stated, “I’ve alluded to this a couple of times ’cause I’ve seen others allude to this. Disunited states: Could a second Civil War — and an end to the union — really happen? Some fired back: Good riddance. Texas lawmaker Rep. Kyle Biedermann of Fredricksburg has vowed to file a bill spurring a vote to get Texas to secede from the U.S. "The federal government is … The federal government will close all the military bases in these states and withdraw all military personnel. They will need to begin a patent office, hire mine inspectors, departments of housing, energy, education, customs, agriculture and a host of other such agencies. Opinion from Salon and Jim Hightower? For the purposes of this chapter the definition of security is taken from the Fragile States Index by Fund For Peace (2019, 34): The Security Apparatus indicator considers the security threats to a state, such as bombings, attacks and battle-related deaths, rebel movements, mutinies, coups, or terrorism. Dec 10, 2020 #21 You people need to learn the difference between political parties and ideology . An electoral “war game” exercise conducted amid fears of counting chaos led three states to threaten to secede and ask the military to help decide the winner. Supporters of United States President Donald Trump rally at Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC, on Dec 12, 2020, to protest the 2020 election. Say, Texas and other southern states siding with Russia or some such. In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. Joe Gerth:My thoughts on McConnell finally acknowledging that Trump's a loser. Should the threats of secession materialize past a flash in the pan on the White House’s website, the United States is likely to have a new addition sooner or later anyway. Tumblr. Del Percio wrote. And En janvier 1861, la Floride devint le troisième État à faire sécession de l'Union et à joindre les États de l'Amérique confédérés récemment formés. Again? Even after the Civil War had brought an end to slavery, federalism and “states’ rights” were discredited by southern Jim Crow laws and barriers to voting registration for black Americans. ... Sep 15, 2020 Messages 2,485 Reaction score 1,840 Points 1,903. On January 10, 1861, Florida became the third state to secede from the Union to join the newly formed Confederate States of America. Here’s what was said. Make My Day. Independent journalism is increasingly imperiled; ads alone can’t pay our bills. Party leaders and lawmakers threatened to leave the country after Texas attorney general Ken Paxton failed in his bid to get the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the election, but GOP strategist Susan Del Percio says in a new column for NBC News that they're fighting another type of losing battle. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). Pinterest. November 09, 2020 Pacific States Gather Behind Nuke Ban Treaty By Joshua Mcdonald. Thank you. Analysis by The Conversation? Texas and some other red states are clamoring to secede from the United States because Joe Biden won the election. August 4, 2020. They must create a wide range of regulatory agencies: National Transportation Board, the Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Federal Communications Commission, Environmental Protection Agency, National Institutes of Health, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Federal Aviation Administration and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Critics on Twitter had pretty much the same response: Grow up. Click here to donate by check. Mix. Law-abiding states formed a union called the United States of America and they didn't sign on to a frivolous, anti-democratic, anti … "When this change does come to Texas, will Republicans work to recognize the diversity in their state — or will they become even more outspoken as they become outnumbered?" — Fox News (@FoxNews) December 11, 2020. Try AlterNet All-Access for just $1. WhatsApp. By Abigail Tracy. View Comments. — AFP In my knowledge, all US states can secede because nothing prevents it in the constitution except 2, DC because it did an urban secession and CA because its local constitution forbids it, but all others can. “Dear California, Oregon, Washington – I’m sure we can work something out if you want to join Canada,” tweeted Chad Harris, a reporter from Kamloops, British Columbia. It’s a real possibility. The fight isn't over. … then let us make a small request. 0. As MAGA World’s hopes for an … December 14, 2020 Some Texas Republicans are threatening to secede from the United States over President Donald Trump's election loss, but one GOP strategist says that's the last gasp from a …